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Mesothelioma in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

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Asbestos was used in many industries and buildings in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, putting workers and residents at risk. For example, workers at First Capital Insulation, Inc. may have encountered asbestos while doing their jobs. Impacted workers can find medical and legal resources below.

01. Mesothelioma Treatment in Harrisburg

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Mesothelioma Treatment

Mesothelioma patients in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, have regional treatment options available to them. For example, there are several mesothelioma specialists in the area who can provide tailored care for patients. These doctors use a variety of diagnostic tests to help patients understand their mesothelioma prognosis. They will educate patients on which treatment options may be available to them. Doctors may also recommend clinical trials for mesothelioma to eligible patients.

Cancer Centers for Mesothelioma Serving Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Mesothelioma patients in the Harrisburg area can access treatment at in-state cancer centers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and Temple Lung Center are both equipped to treat mesothelioma patients. There are additional treatment options in the Philadelphia area.

Patients may also choose to travel to centers in Maryland, Delaware or Washington, D.C. For example, the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center in Baltimore is a renowned healthcare facility and can treat mesothelioma patients.

University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center

University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center

Baltimore, MD 21201

Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins

Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins

Baltimore, MD 21287

Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute

Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute

Newark, DE 19713

National Cancer Institute

National Cancer Institute

Bethesda, MD 20892

Penn Presbyterian Medical Center

Penn Presbyterian Medical Center

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA 19104

The Wistar Institute Cancer Center

The Wistar Institute Cancer Center

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Temple Lung Center

Temple Lung Center

Philadelphia, PA 19140

Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center

Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center

Philadelphia, PA 19107

Fox Chase Cancer Center

Fox Chase Cancer Center

Philadelphia, PA 19111

Washington Cancer Institute

Washington Cancer Institute

Washington, DC 20010

Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center

Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center

Washington, DC 20057

02. Mesothelioma Doctors in Harrisburg

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Mesothelioma Doctors

Patients in Harrisburg can seek treatment from nearby mesothelioma doctors. Those with experience treating the rare cancer include well-regarded specialists in thoracic surgery, pulmonary medicine and medical and radiation oncology.

Specialists will develop a customized treatment plan for individual patients. Physicians may also recommend patients enroll in clinical trials. Many mesothelioma specialists are actively involved in research and can help patients decide if a clinical trial is right for them.

Photo of Petr F. Hausner, M.D.

Petr F. Hausner, M.D.

Medical Oncologist
Baltimore, MD

Photo of Julie Renee Brahmer, M.D.

Julie Renee Brahmer, M.D.

Medical Oncologist and Director of the Thoracic Oncology Program
Baltimore, MD

Photo of Stephen C. Yang, M.D.

Stephen C. Yang, M.D.

Thoracic Surgeon
Baltimore, MD

Photo of Patrick Forde, M.D.

Patrick Forde, M.D.

Director of the Thoracic Cancer Clinical Research Program
Baltimore, MD

Photo of Charles R. Mulligan, Jr., M.D.

Charles R. Mulligan, Jr., M.D.

Chief of Thoracic Surgery
Newark, DE

Photo of Gregory A. Masters, M.D.

Gregory A. Masters, M.D.

Medical Oncologist
Newark, DE

Photo of Raffit Hassan, M.D.

Raffit Hassan, M.D.

Chief of the Thoracic and GI Malignancies Branch and Senior Investigator
Bethesda, MD

Photo of Joseph S. Friedberg, M.D.

Joseph S. Friedberg, M.D.

Co-Director, Temple Health Mesothelioma and Pleural Disease Program
Philadelphia, PA

Photo of Joel D. Cooper, M.D.

Joel D. Cooper, M.D.

Thoracic Surgeon
Philadelphia, PA

Photo of Sunil Singhal, M.D.

Sunil Singhal, M.D.

Director of the Thoracic Surgery Research Laboratory
Philadelphia, PA

Photo of Steven M. Albelda, M.D.

Steven M. Albelda, M.D.

Vice Chief and Director of Lung Research, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Philadelphia, PA

Photo of Larry R. Kaiser, M.D.

Larry R. Kaiser, M.D.

Thoracic Surgeon and President & CEO of Temple University Heath System
Philadelphia, PA

Photo of Cherie P. Erkmen, M.D.

Cherie P. Erkmen, M.D.

Thoracic Surgeon and Director of Lung Cancer Screening Program
Philadelphia, PA

03. Mesothelioma Lawsuits in Harrisburg

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Mesothelioma Lawsuits

Mesothelioma victims in Harrisburg may have rights to financial compensation. Victims may receive compensation through asbestos lawsuits, asbestos trust fund claims or other legal actions. Compensation can help families pay for medical treatments, as well as other expenses. These expenses may include pain and suffering, lost wages and end-of-life costs. It’s important for Harrisburg residents to seek experienced legal representation. Victims should seek an asbestos law firm with a proven track record for handling mesothelioma lawsuits.

Finding a Lawyer or Law Firm in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Harrisburg asbestos exposure victims can seek legal assistance from a national mesothelioma law firm. Lawyers at these firms are experienced in filing lawsuits and claims on behalf of victims and their families. Mesothelioma attorneys can walk victims and their families through the legal process. These lawyers can determine what evidence they need to gather and submit for a strong case. They can help victims bring a lawsuit against the responsible parties.

Mesothelioma lawyers at Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney & Meisenkothen have effectively represented hundreds of mesothelioma victims from the state of Pennsylvania.

For over three decades, Shrader & Associates National Trial Attorneys have fought tirelessly on behalf of mesothelioma victims and their families and recovered millions of dollars in compensation.

Halpern Law has over 30 years of success representing Pennsylvania mesothelioma victims. If you or a loved one was exposed to asbestos in Pennsylvania and have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, please contact us today.

Fighting to get mesothelioma victims the compensation they deserve. Recognized by Super Lawyers® and National Trial Lawyers.

Deadlines for Filing Mesothelioma Lawsuits in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Harrisburg mesothelioma attorneys have extensive knowledge of state deadlines and requirements, such as the statutes of limitations. A statute of limitations requires asbestos disease victims and loved ones to file a lawsuit within a certain amount of time. Seeking compensation after the statute of limitations expires may impact compensation options.

Statutes of Limitations for Harrisburg

Personal Injury

Claims must be filed within 2 years after an asbestos-related diagnosis.

Wrongful Death

Claims must be filed within 2 years after an asbestos-related death.

Mesothelioma law firms can help patients or their surviving loved ones understand all of their legal options, such as filing a lawsuit or submitting an asbestos trust fund claim. Asbestos lawyers in Pennsylvania can also file the lawsuit on the victim’s behalf. Experienced mesothelioma attorneys can help victims secure the compensation they deserve.

Examples of clients served in the greater Harrisburg area:

Client Profile

Age: 74

Occupations: Marines, Office worker

Jobsites Worked at: House of Representatives (1971 – 1972)

Settlement: ~$2,917,944

Client Profile

Age: 57

Occupation: Electrician

Jobsites Worked at: Thrifty Corp. (1977 – 1981)

Settlement: ~$2,058,902

Client Profile

Age: 68

Occupations: Household, Office worker

Jobsites Worked at: Foot Locker Specialty Inc. (1962)

Settlement: ~$1,299,064

Client Profile

Age: 41

Occupations: Navy/machinist, Powerhouse worker

Jobsites Worked at: Finishes Inc. (1991 – 1992); Harrisburg Decorating Co. Inc. (1991); Ralph E Jones Inc. (1994 – 1995)

Settlement: ~$713,687

04. Asbestos Use in Harrisburg

Asbestos Use in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Asbestos was widely used at various utility companies and industries in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, including Harrisburg Light & Power Company and Harrisburg Steel Corporation. Many workers were potentially exposed to asbestos while performing their job duties. Workers may continue to risk exposure from old asbestos products, structures and equipment at these jobsites. Asbestos exposure has also been recognized at several government buildings in Harrisburg, including the Pennsylvania State Capitol Complex and the Pennsylvania Governor’s Mansion.

Asbestos Found in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Employees of First Capital Insulation, Inc. of York, Pennsylvania, may be at risk for asbestos exposure. In 2015, workers removed asbestos-containing thermal pipe insulation at a residence in Harrisburg. Employers failed to protect workers properly, putting them at risk for asbestos-related illnesses. Inspectors from the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) found that employees of First Capital Insulation, Inc. were regularly exposed to asbestos on jobsites.

As a result of an investigation, First Capital Insulation, Inc. faced several fines totaling $490,000 for willful violations. The violations included improper asbestos removal, inadequate respirator usage and lack of decontamination procedures. OSHA noted that with the correct safeguards employees can be safe from these hazards. One such safety measure is simply wetting the asbestos materials before removal. First Capital Insulation, Inc. employees that were exposed to asbestos during this time may be at risk of developing mesothelioma.

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Jobsites Where Asbestos Exposure Occurred

  • AMP, Inc.
  • Beckwith Machinery Company
  • Bodwell Company
  • Central Iron & Steel Company
  • Dauphin County Prison
  • Department of Motor Vehicles Building
  • Fanny Farmers Candy
  • First Capital Insulation, Inc.
  • General Electric Company (GE)
  • General Services Administration
  • Glen-Gery Brick
  • Harrisburg Hospital
  • Harrisburg Light & Power Company
  • Harrisburg State Hospital
  • Harrisburg Steel Corporation
  • Harrisburg Water Works
  • Hummelstown Water Supply Company
  • J D Fenny Company
  • J. W. Koch Company
  • Jacoby Heating, Inc.
  • Kim-Bob Construction
  • Lochiel Rolling-Mill Company
  • Mann Brothers
  • Metropolitan Edison, Three-Mile Island
  • Middletown Air Force Base
  • Novingers, Inc.
  • Parkway Apartments
  • Paxton Iron and Steel Company
  • Penn-Mo Fire Brick Company
  • Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex & Expo Center
  • Pennsylvania Governor’s Mansion
  • Pennsylvania Power & Light Company (PPL)
  • Pennsylvania State Capitol Complex
  • Pennsylvania State Education Association Building
  • Pennsylvania State Office Building
  • Phoenix Iron & Steel Company
  • TRW, Inc.
  • Tuscarora Oil Company, Ltd.
  • Tyrone Iron Company
  • Union Carbide Corporation

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