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A mesothelioma statute of limitations is a law that sets the time a patient or family member has to file a lawsuit. Each state has its own deadlines for filing personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits. The amount of time to file ranges from one to six years after a mesothelioma diagnosis or death.

01. Mesothelioma Statutes of Limitations

What Are Statutes of Limitations for Mesothelioma?

A mesothelioma statute of limitations is a law that sets a deadline to file a lawsuit after diagnosis or death. Each state has its own statutes, with times to file ranging from one to six years. Some states set different time limits for personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits.

  • Personal injury statutes of limitations: This type of law sets a timeline for a patient to file a lawsuit after diagnosis with an asbestos-related disease.
  • Wrongful death statutes of limitations: This type of law sets a timeline for family members to file a lawsuit after the death of a loved one from an asbestos disease.

A mesothelioma attorney can explain the statutes of limitations that apply to an individual’s asbestos case. Speaking to a lawyer as soon as possible after a diagnosis or death can help secure financial compensation faster.

Asbestos victims can consult a lawyer no matter how long ago exposure occurred. The time to file begins with a diagnosis or death, not when exposure happened.

Personal Injury Statutes of Limitations

A personal injury statute of limitations sets a deadline for filing a lawsuit after a mesothelioma diagnosis. Talking to an attorney as soon as possible after a mesothelioma diagnosis can help avoid any filing deadlines.

A person may receive a mesothelioma diagnosis decades after asbestos exposure occurred because of the disease’s long latency period. But when a person’s exposure occurs does not affect their ability to file. What does affect their ability to file is when they are diagnosed with an asbestos disease. It is at this point that the clock begins running on the deadline created by a state’s personal injury statute of limitations.

Expenses Personal Injury Compensation Can Help Cover

Many people experience asbestos exposure without ever developing mesothelioma or other asbestos diseases. People who have not received an asbestos-disease diagnosis cannot file a personal injury lawsuit.

A person can talk to a lawyer after receiving an asbestos disease diagnosis from a medical professional. Waiting too long to consult an asbestos attorney can limit options for compensation.

A mesothelioma lawyer can explain how the relevant statutes of limitations affect a patient’s case.

Wrongful Death Statutes of Limitations

A wrongful death statute of limitations sets a deadline for filing a lawsuit after the death of a mesothelioma patient. Family members whose loved ones die from mesothelioma may file this type of lawsuit.

Family members can talk to a lawyer after the death of an asbestos disease patient. Wrongful death lawsuits can help family members get much-needed compensation. They can also hold companies responsible for exposing loved ones to asbestos.

Expenses Wrongful Death Compensation Can Help Cover

  • End-of-life costs
  • Lost household income
  • Outstanding medical bills

An experienced mesothelioma lawyer can help gather documents needed to file a wrongful death lawsuit. For example, a lawyer can help get a patient’s death certificate and medical records to build a family’s case. A lawyer can also file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of family members and litigate their case.

Wrongful death statutes of limitations may be different from those for personal injury cases. This makes it important to consult an attorney who can explain available legal options. Waiting to consult an attorney can limit possible compensation.

Time Limits for Other Asbestos Claim Types

Other legal actions available to asbestos victims may have their own deadlines. These mesothelioma claims have their own filing time periods. Eligible asbestos victims may file asbestos trust fund claims or veterans benefits claims.

These legal actions may provide people with compensation in addition to any received from a lawsuit. A mesothelioma lawyer can help asbestos victims explore their options and file claims on their behalf. An experienced lawyer can also explain the applicable time limits for filing asbestos claims.

02. Factors Affecting Time Limits

Factors Impacting Mesothelioma Statutes of Limitations

Different factors affect which statutes of limitations apply to a mesothelioma lawsuit. A lawyer experienced in asbestos law will understand how these statutes affect an individual’s case. The statutes of limitations that govern a unique asbestos case may be affected by:

  • Asbestos victims’ places of residence: An asbestos victim’s current or past residences may affect which states’ statutes apply to their case.
  • Company and jobsite locations: The location of an asbestos company or the jobsites where exposure occurred can affect which states’ statutes govern a case.
  • Lawsuit or claim type: A state may have different filing deadlines for personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits. Time limits to begin mesothelioma claims also vary. For example, individual asbestos trusts have their own filing deadlines.

An asbestos attorney can determine how different factors affect the time limit for filing a mesothelioma case. There may be several options for where to file based on company, jobsite and residence locations. In these cases, a lawyer can decide which filing location is the best option to seek the highest amount of compensation.

The Discovery Rule and Asbestos Lawsuits

The discovery rule sets the start of a personal injury filing deadline at the time the patient discovers they have mesothelioma. In practice, this means the time to file a personal injury lawsuit begins when a person receives a mesothelioma diagnosis.

The rule comes from a 1973 case called Borel v. Fibreboard Paper Products Corporation. In this case, the court discussed statutes of limitations in hazardous substances cases. Specifically, it looked at hazardous substances where the effects only appear after a long time, like asbestos.

The court dismissed the idea of an asbestos exposure triggering the statute of limitations. It held that, when the effects of a hazardous substance are not immediately clear, the statute is triggered by discovery of the effects. This ruling has since been applied to all mesothelioma personal injury cases.

03. Mesothelioma Statutes by State

Statutes of Limitations for Mesothelioma by State

Each state sets its own deadlines for filing asbestos lawsuits. The same state’s statutes of limitations for personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits may set different deadlines. The time frames for filing generally range from one to four years. Some states allow up to six years to file.

State Personal Injury Wrongful Death
Alabama 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Alaska 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Arizona 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Arkansas 3 years from diagnosis 3 years from death
California 1 year from diagnosis 1 year from death
Colorado 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Connecticut 3 years from diagnosis 3 years from death
Delaware 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Florida 4 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Georgia 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Hawaii 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Idaho 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Illinois 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Indiana 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Iowa 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Kansas 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Kentucky 1 year from diagnosis 1 year from death
Louisiana 1 year from diagnosis 1 year from death
Maine 6 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Maryland 3 years from diagnosis 3 years from death
Massachusetts 3 years from diagnosis 3 years from death
Michigan 3 years from diagnosis 3 years from death
Minnesota 4 years from diagnosis 3 years from death
Mississippi 3 years from diagnosis 3 years from death
Missouri 5 years from diagnosis 3 years from death
Montana 3 years from diagnosis 3 years from death
Nebraska 4 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Nevada 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
New Hampshire 3 years from diagnosis 3 years from death
New Jersey 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
New Mexico 3 years from diagnosis 3 years from death
New York 3 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
North Carolina 3 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
North Dakota 6 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Ohio 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Oklahoma 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Oregon 3 years from diagnosis 3 years from death
Pennsylvania 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Rhode Island 3 years from diagnosis 3 years from death
South Carolina 3 years from diagnosis 3 years from death
South Dakota 3 years from diagnosis 3 years from death
Tennessee 1 year from diagnosis 1 year from death
Texas 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Utah 3 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Vermont 3 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Virginia 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Washington 3 years from diagnosis 3 years from death
Washington, D.C. 3 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
West Virginia 2 years from diagnosis 2 years from death
Wisconsin 3 years from diagnosis 3 years from death
Wyoming 4 years from diagnosis 2 years from death

Asbestos victims may have options for which state to file in. Factors such as asbestos company and jobsite locations may offer several filing location options.

Lawyers at experienced mesothelioma law firms can determine where a case may be filed. They can also advise which state to file in to seek the highest possible mesothelioma compensation. Talking to a lawyer soon after a diagnosis or death helps prevent missing out on filing in the best state for an asbestos case.

04. Where to File

Where Should I File My Mesothelioma Claim?

The best way to find out where to file a lawsuit is by talking to an asbestos lawyer. A lawyer can determine filing location options and choose the best one for seeking the highest amount of compensation. Consulting with a lawyer soon after a diagnosis or death can prevent missing any deadlines that would limit filing options.

The states where an asbestos victim may file a lawsuit may depend on several factors, including:

  • Current place of residence
  • Former places of residence
  • Jobsite or military base where asbestos exposure occurred
  • Location of the asbestos company responsible for exposure

The statutes of limitations in the relevant states may also affect filing options. Some states allow more time than others to file asbestos lawsuits.

A mesothelioma lawyer can determine the best location to file a case. A lawyer can also explore options for additional compensation, like asbestos trust fund claims.

05. Missed Mesothelioma Deadlines

What if I Have Missed the Deadline to File an Asbestos Lawsuit?

Asbestos victims may still have filing options if they miss a statute of limitations deadline. For example, there may be other lawsuit filing location options where the time limits have not passed. There may also be other options for compensation still available, like asbestos trust fund claims. Asbestos victims can work with an attorney to determine all their filing options.

How Pleural Registries and Inactive Dockets Help With Missed Deadlines

Some states have created pleural registries to help give asbestos victims a chance to seek compensation. They exist for asbestos victims with conditions that do not trigger personal injury statutes of limitations, like asymptomatic pleural thickening. According to courts, certain conditions may not be serious enough to warrant compensation.

Asbestos victims who register can delay the start of the statute of limitations timeline. The statute will only be triggered if they develop a compensable illness, like mesothelioma, lung cancer or asbestosis.

Pleural registries are also called inactive dockets. An asbestos lawyer can help add asbestos victims to pleural registries to ensure the chance to seek compensation.

Mesothelioma patients and their loved ones can avoid missing deadlines by talking to a lawyer soon after a diagnosis or death. Top mesothelioma law firms offer free case evaluations to potential clients. Asbestos victims can use these free consultations to determine if they have a viable case.

06. Common Questions

Common Questions About Mesothelioma Statutes of Limitations

What does statutes of limitations mean?

Statutes of limitations are state laws that set deadlines for filing mesothelioma lawsuits. A mesothelioma diagnosis triggers the start of the filing timeline for personal injury cases. The death of a mesothelioma patient triggers the start of the timeline for wrongful death cases.

What is the time limit on mesothelioma claims?

The time limit on filing a mesothelioma lawsuit may vary by type and the state where the lawsuit is filed. Personal injury and wrongful death lawsuit deadlines generally range from 1 to 4 years after injury or death. In some instances, time limits may be as long as 6 years.

Are there compensation options if your statutes of limitations expire?

Yes. Mesothelioma patients and family members may be able to file a lawsuit in a location where the deadline has not passed. They may also be able to seek money through asbestos claims options, like bankruptcy trusts and veterans benefits. An experienced mesothelioma lawyer can help patients understand their options.

Are the statutes of limitations the same for all asbestos cancers?

The type of asbestos cancer does not affect filing deadlines outlined in statutes of limitations. The event that triggers a statute of limitations is either a diagnosis or death from a cancer caused by asbestos exposure. Different asbestos cancers do not have different filing timelines.

Do asbestos trust funds have different time limits?

Individual asbestos trust funds set their own deadlines for filing claims against the trust. These deadlines may or may not be the same as those for mesothelioma lawsuits. Many trusts have filing deadlines between 1 and 4 years after an asbestos claim arises.

Do VA claims have different time limits?

Unlike lawsuits and asbestos trust fund claims, veterans benefits claims do not have filing deadlines. But, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), waiting a long time to file can increase the complexity of a claim. Lawyers can help veterans with mesothelioma file this type of claim in a timely manner.