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Asbestos in California

Expert Fact Checked

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Jennifer Lucarelli Lawyer and Legal Advisor

Prominent industries in California once heavily relied on asbestos. Industries like shipbuilding, oil refining and mining put workers at risk of asbestos exposure. Residents may have also faced these risks. Anyone who is exposed to asbestos may develop mesothelioma or other related conditions.

01. California Asbestos Use

Asbestos Use in California

For much of the 20th century, asbestos use was widespread in California. The mineral was particularly common in the shipbuilding, mining and oil refining industries. Asbestos is affordable, durable and naturally fire-resistant. These traits made it popular for products like insulation and mechanical equipment parts.

But asbestos poses serious health risks, including cancer. Many exposure victims in California have developed mesothelioma, asbestosis and other asbestos-related diseases. Despite asbestos regulations, these health risks continue today.

California Asbestos Statistics

For decades, California workers and residents faced asbestos exposure risks. Some activities, like mining, posed a higher risk of exposure than others. This is especially true if workers were mining one of the many asbestos deposits in California.

Any amount and source of asbestos exposure has associated health risks. More than 20,000 Californians have suffered from asbestos-related conditions. Notable data and statistics about asbestos and mesothelioma in California include:

  • At least 235 naturally occurring asbestos deposits have been found in California. Of these, 72 became prospects and 25 became operational mines.
  • From 1999 to 2020, approximately 7,113 Californians were diagnosed with mesothelioma.
  • California reported approximately 5,484 deaths from mesothelioma from 1999 to 2020.
  • California has the highest number of mesothelioma deaths in the country. But because of its large population size, its death rate is slightly lower than the national average.

Many Californians may suspect or know they have a history of asbestos exposure. Others may have been diagnosed with mesothelioma. Patients in the state have access to many reputable options for California mesothelioma treatment, like the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Asbestos victims may also contact mesothelioma law firms to understand their legal rights in California. Lawyers at these firms can help eligible clients seek compensation for their asbestos diseases.

02. Asbestos in Workplaces

Occupational Asbestos Use in California

Beyond asbestos mining, many other California industries once relied on asbestos. Until the 1980s, asbestos was especially popular in oil refining, shipbuilding and construction. Asbestos companies used the mineral for its fire resistance and strength, among other qualities.

But for many Californians, this led to asbestos exposure and related diseases. These diseases include mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis. Agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) eventually regulated asbestos.

Before then, countless Californian workers may have faced frequent occupational asbestos exposure. Today, old facilities and machinery continue to pose asbestos risks to many workers.

Occupations Exposed to Asbestos in California

Non-occupational sources of asbestos exposure can also occur. For instance, homes built before the 1980s may contain asbestos materials. California homeowners may have been exposed during do-it-yourself repairs on these materials. Others may have experienced secondary exposure from someone who unknowingly brings asbestos fibers home on their clothing.


Thanks to having one of the longest U.S. coastlines, California developed a robust naval industry. This state is home to about 20 major shipyards and many smaller ones. In the past, shipbuilders frequently used asbestos in ship construction and repair. It was commonly found in products like insulation, boilers and pipes. Shipyards also contained asbestos in many facility construction materials and products.

One notable Californian asbestos shipyard is Naval Base San Diego. This shipyard covers more than 1,600 acres of land. Today, it is the primary port for the entire Pacific Fleet of the U.S. Navy. Historically, the base used asbestos in its shipyard and ships. Navy veterans stationed or working here may have been exposed.

Oil Industry

Since the early 1900s, California has had a booming oil industry. More than 175 oil sites are located here, including oil refineries, offshore platforms and storage terminals. Although some sites are closed, many have been operating since the early 1900s.

For much of the 20th century, the oil industry heavily used asbestos in various processes. For example, oil drilling and refining often use machinery in high-heat environments. Before the 1980s, asbestos materials were common for fireproofing these machines.

But many California oil industry workers experienced asbestos exposure through typical job duties. This leaves them at risk of developing diseases like mesothelioma.

Power Plants

Asbestos was once used throughout power plant facilities, equipment and machinery. Workers’ fireproof gear often contained asbestos, too. California’s power plant industry began in the 1890s. The state quickly became a leader in energy production, first with hydroelectric power. California’s power industry later expanded into gas and coal.

Many prominent power plants throughout California are now known to be asbestos jobsites. Power plants, like the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, used asbestos to insulate from heat and electricity of the power generation process. Many workers may have been exposed to asbestos at Californian power plants.


California has at least 235 identified asbestos deposits. Some of these are among the largest known asbestos sites in the world. Some deposits here were mined for decades. Mining for asbestos poses significant exposure risks to workers.

There have been asbestos concerns with other types of mines in California, too. Asbestos contamination may occur with coal, talc, gold and copper. Workers at these other mines may have been exposed to asbestos.

03. Shipyards

Asbestos Shipyards in California

Throughout its history, California has been home to many types of shipyards. These include public, private and military shipyards. In particular, its military shipyards have become notable hubs for ship production.

Many Navy veterans were stationed at California shipyards or naval bases. Until the 1980s, asbestos was popular at these shipyards. While the mineral is more regulated today, many legacy asbestos risks continue.

Bethlehem Steel Shipyard

Founded in 1849, Bethlehem Steel Shipyard is one of California’s oldest shipyards. It was originally called Union Brass and Iron Works. During World War I and II, this shipyard became a major warship construction site on the West Coast. After World War II, it transitioned to ship repairs and maintenance.

Many of the ships built and repaired at Bethlehem Steel Shipyard contained asbestos. Many people in various roles may have been exposed to asbestos while working here.

Naval Base San Diego

Naval Base San Diego was formally established in 1922. The U.S. Navy took control of its operations during World War I, where it became a main port for aircraft carriers in the Pacific Fleet. Much of these military vessels and the aircraft they carried contained asbestos.

For decades, many workers at Naval Base San Diego were exposed to asbestos. The naval base is still operational today, where remaining asbestos may be a concern. In general, older vessels and facilities may contain asbestos. This can lead to asbestos exposure for service personnel.

Long Beach Naval Shipyard

From 1940 to 1997, Long Beach Naval Shipyard on Terminal Island operated near Los Angeles. For much of this period, asbestos use was at its peak. Many ships containing asbestos were built, docked or repaired here. Anyone who worked at this shipyard may have been exposed.

In 1979, the Government Accountability Office assessed Long Beach Naval Shipyard. It found that dust samples from multiple ships showed the presence of asbestos. The report determined that proper cleanup processes had not been followed. This is one example of how asbestos exposure may have occurred at Long Beach Naval Shipyard.

San Francisco Bay Naval Shipyard

In 1965, two shipyards combined their operations to create the San Francisco Bay Naval Shipyard. This combined shipyard continued operating until 1970, when it again separated. Hunter’s Point continued until 1974 and Mare Island continued as a naval base until 1996. Both sites used asbestos heavily throughout their separate and combined operating periods.

Among other activities, these shipyards handled full overhauls of ships. Many ships during this time had asbestos-containing materials like insulation and gaskets. From 1940 to 1989, a Mare Island landfill became a dumping ground for asbestos and other dangerous toxins. Many shipyard workers may have experienced asbestos exposure at these sites.

04. Exposure in California Cities

Asbestos Exposure in California Cities

Major cities in California contain known asbestos jobsites. Below is a list of California cities where asbestos use in the workplace is known to have occurred. Click on the city to see more details about the specific jobsites where asbestos exposure occurred.

05. Other Work Sites

Asbestos Risks at Other California Jobsites

Workplace asbestos exposure is not limited to the cities listed above. Select a town or city below to see its list of jobsites where workers were exposed to asbestos. Asbestos exposure from any source could pose risks of developing mesothelioma cancer.

California Directory of Asbestos Work Sites

Select a city to see a list of work sites where asbestos exposure occurred.

, California Jobsites Where Asbestos Exposure Occurred

  • 3M Company
  • 3M Company
  • 50 Fremont Center
  • A Hayward
  • A-1 Novelty Company
  • A. Carlisle & Company
  • A. G. Mckee and Company
  • A. Johnson & Company
  • A. P. Mc Guinners
  • A. Schilling & Company
  • A. T. and S. F. Railway Company
  • A. Teichert & Son, Inc.
  • A.C. Martin
  • A.E.S. Station
  • A.M. Castle Company
  • A.P. Giannini Middle School
  • A.P. Green Refractory Company
  • A.R. Mass Chemical
  • AAA Boiler & Machinery Company
  • Aaron Ferer & Son
  • Abbey of The Chimes
  • Abbott Laboratories
  • ABC Studios
  • Abex
  • Abex Corporation, AMSCO Division
  • AC Transit
  • Acalanes High Schoold
  • Accent Food Services
  • Accumulator Insurance
  • Ace Foundry
  • Ace Pipeline
  • Ace Steamship Company
  • Acetylene Cylinder
  • Acillies
  • Acme Brewing Company
  • Acme Brewing Company
  • Acme Brick Company
  • Acme Export Packing Company
  • Acme Metal Products
  • Action Trucking Enterprises, LLC
  • Adams Elevator
  • Adams Equipment Building
  • Addison Welsley Publishing
  • Adeline Investment LLC
  • Aderholt Specialty Company Inc.
  • Administrative Building
  • Adult Day School
  • Advance Tank Company
  • Advanced Installation, Incorporated
  • Advanced Memory Systems
  • Advanced Micro Devices
  • Aec Hot Cell
  • Aec Lawrence Labs
  • Aero Alloys
  • Aero Delivery
  • Aerocor Machine
  • Aerocraft Heat Treating Company, Inc.
  • Aerocraft Heat Treating Company, Inc.
  • Aerojet Corporation
  • Aerojet General Corporation
  • Aerojet General Corporation
  • Aerojet Missiles
  • Aerojet-General Corporation
  • Aerojet-General Corporation
  • Aeronca Aircraft Corporation
  • Aerospace Corporation
  • Aertec Manufacturing
  • AES Alamitos Generating Station
  • Aes Huntington
  • AES Redondo Beach Power Plant
  • Aetna Sheet Metal, Inc.
  • Afb Contractors
  • Affiliated Metals
  • Agency Expediting
  • Agnews State Hospital
  • Agnews State Hospital
  • Agrashell, Inc./ Agicide Labs
  • Agriculture Stores
  • Air Products & Chemicals
  • Air Products & Chemicals
  • Air Products & Chemicals
  • Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.
  • Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.
  • Air Products Company
  • Air Products Company – Paul Division
  • Air Reduction Company
  • Air Reduction Pacific Company
  • Air Reduction Plant
  • Air Research Aviation, a division of Garrett AiResearch
  • Air Traffic Tower
  • Airco Cryogenics
  • Airco Temescal
  • Aircode Temescal Facilities
  • Aircraft Accessories Corporation
  • Aircraft Alloys
  • Aireon Manufacturing Corporation
  • AiResearch Manufacturing Company
  • Airox Corporation
  • Airport Control Tower
  • Airport Corporate Centre
  • Airport Marina
  • Ajax Forge Company
  • Alabama Pipe Company
  • Aladdin Heating Corp
  • Alameda City Municipal Court
  • Alameda County Administration Building
  • Alameda County Court
  • Alameda County Superior Court
  • Alameda High School
  • Alameda Hospital
  • Alameda Naval Air Station
  • Alameda Naval Air Station
  • Alameda Naval Shipyard
  • Alameda Oakland and Piedmont Electric Railway
  • Alameda Police Departmant
  • Alameda Post Office
  • Alameda Refrigeration
  • Alameda Shipyard
  • Alameda Stations
  • Alameda Tank Company
  • Alameda Times-Star Building
  • Alamitos Steam Plant – Unit Nbr 5
  • Alaska Commercial Building
  • Alaynite Corporation
  • Albany City Hall
  • Albany High School
  • Albany Police & Fire
  • Albers Brothers Milling Company
  • Albert Brown Mortuary
  • Alberto & Costa, Inc.
  • Albertson Market
  • Albertsons Grocery Store
  • Albertsons Market
  • Alcan Aluminum
  • Alcan Aluminum Corporation
  • Alcan Aluminum Plant
  • Alcan Metals Powders Company
  • Alco Steamship Company, Inc.
  • Alcoa Aluminum
  • Alcosta Mall
  • Aldersly Parish Home
  • Aleena Apartments
  • Alex Robertson Company
  • Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.
  • Alexander H. Kerr & Company
  • Alexander Hotel Company
  • Alexandria Hotel
  • Alexian Brothers Hospital
  • Alhambra Foundry Company, Limited
  • Alhambra High School
  • Alhambra High School
  • Aliso Street Gas Works
  • All Souls Church
  • Allan Hancock College
  • Allegheny-Ludlum Steel Corporation
  • Allen Meat Company
  • Alliance Consumer Industries
  • Allied Box Factory
  • Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation
  • Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation
  • Allied Chemical Corporation
  • Allied Chemical Corporation
  • Allied Chemical Corporation
  • Allied Chemical Plant California
  • Allied Electronic Services, Inc.
  • Allied Engineering Corp
  • Allied Equipment
  • Allied Grape Growers
  • Allied Packing & Supply, Inc.
  • Allied Supply Company
  • Allis-Chalmers
  • Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company
  • Almaden Plaza
  • Alpase
  • Alpha Beta Grocery Store
  • Alpha Beta Market
  • Alpha Beta Market
  • Alpha Beta Market
  • Alpha Beta Market
  • Alpha Beta Market
  • Alpha Beta Market
  • Alpha Olein Control House
  • Alston Construction Company
  • Alta Bates Community Hospital – Webster & Regent Streets
  • Alta Bates Hospital
  • Alta Building Material Company
  • Alta Mass Cemetery
  • Altamil Corp
  • Alts Mircowave Electronic
  • Alum Rock Union School District
  • Alumax
  • Aluminum Alloy Casting Company
  • Aluminum Company of America
  • Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa)
  • Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa)
  • Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA)
  • Aluminum Extrusion Company
  • Aluminum Plant
  • Amador High School
  • Amalgamated Oil Company
  • Amalgamated Superior Engineering, Inc.
  • Amatex Corporation
  • Amax Aluminum
  • Amax Carbon Products, Inc.
  • Amdahl
  • Amelco Electric of San Francisco
  • Amelco Industries
  • Amelco Industries
  • Amelia Earhart School
  • Amer Chemical
  • American Air Superbay
  • American Airlines
  • American Airlines -Los Angeles International Airport
  • American Appliance Company
  • American Asbestos Company
  • American Beet Sugar Company
  • American Biscuit Company
  • American Bitulmuis Company
  • American Bituminous
  • American Brake Shoe & Foundry Company
  • American Brass & Iron Foundry
  • American Brazing Company
  • American Bridge
  • American Bridge Division
  • American Bridge Division
  • American Bridge Flour
  • American Can Company
  • American Can Company
  • American Can Company
  • American Can Company
  • American Can Company
  • American Can Company
  • American Can Company
  • American Can Company (Terminal Annex)
  • American Cement Company Riverside Division
  • American Ceramics Products Inc
  • American Chemical Corporation
  • American Chemical Corporation
  • American Chemical Corporation
  • American Container
  • American Cream of Tartar Company
  • American Cryonics Society (ACS)
  • American Cyanamid Company
  • American Cyanamid Company
  • American Electric Powerhouse
  • American Export Lines (AEL)
  • American Express Company
  • American Fisheries
  • American Forest Products Corporation
  • American Hair & Felt Company
  • American Hoist Company
  • American Home Foods
  • American Licorice Company
  • American Licorice Company
  • American Linen Supply
  • American Linen Supply Company (ALSCO)
  • American Lumber & Treating Company
  • American Manganese Inc.
  • American Manganese Steel Division
  • American Manganese Steel Division
  • American Marine Corporation
  • American Microsystem
  • American Minerals Company
  • American Minerals Company
  • American Pacific Steamship Company
  • American Pipe & Steel Company
  • American Potash & Chemical Corporation
  • American Potash & Chemical Corporation
  • American Potash & Chemical Corporation
  • American President Lines, LLC
  • American President Lines, Ltd.
  • American Processing Company
  • American Research Corporation
  • American River College
  • American River Electric Company
  • American River Hospital
  • American Savings & Loan
  • American Smelting & Refining
  • American Smelting & Refining Company
  • American Smelting & Refining Company
  • American Standard Plumbing & Heating Division
  • American Standard, Inc.
  • American Toy Company
  • American Trading & Production
  • American Trona Corp
  • American Trona Corporation
  • American Trust Company
  • American-Marietta Company of California
  • Americana Inn Motel
  • Americargo Express, Inc.
  • Ameron Company
  • Ameron Company
  • Ameron Company
  • Ames Research
  • Ametek Aluminum
  • Ammoniaco Corp
  • Amoco
  • Amoco Chemical Corporation
  • Amorco Wharf Facilities
  • Ampex Financial Center
  • Ampex Systems Corporation
  • Amsco Chemical Company
  • Anaconda American Breass
  • Anaheim Citrus Products Co.
  • Anaheim Plumbing
  • Anaheim Sugar Company
  • Anchor Brewing Company
  • Anchor Darling Valve Company
  • Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation
  • Anchor Marine Repair Company
  • Anchor Mineral & Chemical
  • Anchor Packaging Corporation
  • Anchor Post Products Company
  • Anchor Refining
  • Anderson Clayton Corporation
  • Anderson Elementary School
  • Anderson Plant
  • Anderson Rowe & Buckley, Inc.
  • Andrew Brown Company
  • Andrew D. White
  • Andrew Jergens Company
  • Andrew Schroeder Heating
  • Angelus Block Company
  • Angelus Floor Covering
  • Angelus Hospital
  • Angelus Steel Treating
  • Angelus Steel Treating Company
  • Anheuser Busch Inc.
  • Anheuser-Busch Brewery
  • Anheuser-Busch Brewery (Budweiser)
  • Anheuser-Busch Companies, LLC
  • Animal Facility – 1101 5Th Street
  • Animal Shelter
  • Anna E. Waden Branch Library
  • Antelope High School
  • Antelope Hills
  • Anthony’s Restaurant
  • Antioch Building Materials
  • Antioch Div Plant
  • Antioch High School
  • AP Green Refractories, Inc
  • Apartment House – 3110 College Avenue
  • Apex International Alloys
  • Apex Smelting Company
  • Apex Steel Corporation
  • APM Terminals
  • App Consolidated Gold Mining Company
  • Applied Technology
  • Applied Technology
  • Applied Technology
  • AR Haas Chemical Company
  • Arabian American Oil Company
  • Arabian American Oil Company
  • Arabian American Oil Company
  • Aragon High School
  • Aramark Uniform Services
  • Aratex-Red Star Industrial Service
  • Arcata Graphics
  • Archdiocese of San Francisco
  • Archer Daniels Midland Company
  • Arco
  • Arco
  • ARCO Alaska
  • ARCO California
  • Arco Facility (Aka Atlantic Richfield, Richfield Oil)
  • Arco Marine, Inc.
  • ARCO Plaza
  • Arco Towers
  • Arco Twin Towers
  • ARCO Twin Towers
  • Arcon Construction, Inc.
  • Arden Farms
  • Argonaut Constructors
  • Argonaut Hotel
  • Arizona Table Pads
  • Armanino Farms
  • Armco Steel Corporation National Supply Division
  • Armijo High School
  • Armor Galvanizing Works
  • Armour & Company
  • Armour Meat Packing Plant
  • Armstrong Cont & Supplies
  • Armstrong Container & Supplier
  • Armstrong Container & Supplier
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Cork Company
  • Armstrong Cork Company
  • Armstrong Cork Company
  • Armstrong International
  • Armstrong Rubber
  • Army Street Terminal
  • Arrow Plating Company
  • Arrowhead Products
  • Arrowhead Puritas Water Company
  • Arrowhead Regional Medical Center
  • Arrowhead Springs Hotel
  • Arthur Andersen & Company
  • Arthur H Shooter, Inc.
  • Ashland Chemical Co.
  • Ashland Chemical Company
  • Ashland Specialty Chemical Company
  • Associated Banning Company
  • Associated Exhaust Pipe
  • Associated Insulation
  • Associated Insulation of California
  • Associated Lathing & Plastering Company
  • Associated Molding Company
  • Associated Oil
  • Associated Oil
  • Associated Oil
  • Associated Oil
  • Associated Oil
  • Associated Oil
  • Associated Oil
  • Associated Oil (Aka Tide Water Associated Oil Company)
  • Associated Oil Company
  • Associated Oil Refinery
  • Associated Piping and Engineering
  • Associated Supply Company
  • Astech
  • AT&T
  • AT&T
  • AT&T – Watts Avenue
  • Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad
  • Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad
  • Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway
  • Athens Gasoline Company
  • Atkinson Brick Company
  • Atkinston Grinding & Machine
  • Atla Mesa Memorial P.R.
  • Atlantic Oil
  • Atlantic Richfield
  • Atlantic Richfield
  • Atlantic Richfield California
  • Atlantic Richfield Company
  • Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO)
  • Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO)
  • Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO)
  • Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) Refinery
  • Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) Refinery
  • Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) Refinery
  • Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) Refinery
  • Atlantic Richfield Oil Company
  • Atlas Carbon & Clay Company
  • Atlas Fire Brick Company
  • Atlas Foundry & Manufacturing Company
  • Atlas Foundry Services Corp
  • Atlas Heating & Ventilating Company
  • Atlas Heating and Ventilating
  • Atlas Mechanical, Inc.
  • Atlas Minerals & Chemicals, Inc.
  • Atlas Ornamental Iron Works
  • Atlas Packing Company
  • Atlas Roofing Company
  • Atlas-Imperial Diesel Engine Company
  • Atomic Energy Commission
  • Atomica International
  • Atomics International
  • Audio Magnetics
  • Austin Company Office Building
  • Automatic Rain Company
  • Automatic Tube Company
  • Automotive Battery Division
  • Autonetics
  • Avalon Cleaners
  • Avco
  • Avco Office Building
  • Averill-Morgan Company
  • Avery Products
  • Aviation High School
  • Aviation Institute of Maintenance
  • Avion Inc
  • Avis Car Rental
  • Avocet Tungsten Inc
  • Avon Refinery – Alkylation Unit
  • Avon Refinery (Tosco)
  • Avonics
  • Axelson Manufacturing Company
  • Aynes Steam Plant
  • B & B Plumbing Company
  • B & C Plumbing Company
  • B F Goodrich Company
  • B S P Corp Subs Envirotech Company
  • B Street Plant
  • B. & J.S. Doe
  • B.F. Goodrich
  • B.F. Goodrich Company
  • B.T. Alaska (ship)
  • B.T. San Diego (ship)
  • Baash-Ross Tool Company
  • Babcock & Wilcox Company
  • Baber-Greene
  • Bahrain Petroleum Company
  • Baker Commodities
  • Baker Iron Works
  • Bakersfield Federal Courthouse
  • Balaklala Consolidated Copper Company
  • Balboa Brewing Company
  • Balboa Water Treatment Plant
  • Baldwin Contracting Company
  • Baldwin Ehret Hill, Inc.
  • Baldwin Hills
  • Ball Cannery
  • Ball Corporation
  • Banchero Restaurant
  • Bandini Fertilizer Company
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of America – Bon Air & Magnolia
  • Bank of America (Grant Ave)
  • Bank of America Building
  • Bank of America Financial Center
  • Bank of California
  • Bank of California
  • Bank of California
  • Bank of La Jolla
  • Bank of Marin
  • Bank of Montreal
  • Bankline Oil Company
  • Banneker Homes, Inc.
  • Banneker School
  • Banning Company
  • Banquet Foods
  • Barclays Investment Bank
  • Barium Products, Ltd.
  • Barnes-Hind Laboratory
  • Baron Industries
  • Barrelier Heating
  • Barrett & Hilp
  • Barrington Mobar, Inc.
  • Barron-Gray Packing Company
  • Bart-Concord Station
  • Bartlett Snow Pacific
  • Basalt Rock Company
  • Basic Vegetable Products
  • Bates Marine Line
  • Battenfeld Grease & Oil Corporation
  • Battery Exchange
  • Baxman Gravel Company
  • Baxter Creosote
  • Bay and River Navigation Company
  • Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)
  • Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Administrative Building
  • Bay Area Rapid Transit Power
  • Bay Area Rapid Transit Power
  • Bay Area Rapid Transit Power
  • Bay Area Rapid Transit Power
  • Bay Area Rapid Transit Power
  • Bay Area Rapid Transit Power
  • Bay Brand Shrimp
  • Bay Cities Asbestos Company
  • Bay City Building Materials
  • Bay Meadows Race Track
  • Bay Photo Lab
  • Bayfair Mall
  • Bayshore Sanitary District
  • Bayview Tower
  • Beacon Oil Company
  • Beale Air Force Base
  • Beale Street Team Track
  • Beavers Industrial Furnace Co.
  • Bechtel
  • Bechtel (At Union Oil)
  • Bechtel Corporation
  • Bechtel Corporation
  • Bechtel Corporation
  • Bechtel Corporation
  • Bechtel-Price-Callahan
  • Beckman Instruments
  • Beckman Instruments
  • Becknel Welding
  • Bedford Hotel
  • Beech-Nut Packing Company
  • Beeson Engineering Company
  • Bel Arbor Apartments
  • Bel Arbor Apartments
  • Belco Belmont Sheet Metal & Home Appliance Corp
  • Bell and Howell Company
  • Bell Foundry
  • Bell Industries
  • Bell Oil & Refining
  • Bell School
  • Belmont Apartments (Ralston Avenue)
  • Belmont Flowers
  • Belmont High School
  • Belmont Hills Psychiatric Hospital
  • Belmont Pump Station – Pulgas Tower
  • Belmont School
  • Belmont School
  • Belridge Hills
  • Belridge Oil Company
  • Belridge Oil Company
  • Belvedere Junior High School-LAUSD
  • Benda Tool & Model Works
  • Bendix
  • Benicia Arsenal
  • Benicia High School
  • Benicia Industrial
  • Benicia Junior High School
  • Benicia Shopping Center
  • Benicia Water Treatment Plant
  • Benjamin Franklin Middle School
  • Benner & Madrone Schools
  • Bennett Wilsey, Inc.
  • Benz Engineering, Inc.
  • Bercut-Richards Packing Company
  • Berg Iron & Metal Corporation
  • Bergie Plumbing
  • Bergman Manufacturing Company
  • Berkeley Forge & Tool
  • Berkeley High School
  • Berkeley Library – 774 Gragmont Avenue
  • Berkeley Public Health Building
  • Berlin Food Equipment Company
  • Bermuda Building
  • Berry Construction
  • Bessone Supply Company
  • Best Fertilizer
  • Best Fertilizers Company
  • Best Foods, Inc.
  • Best Foundry
  • Beth Jacob Congregation
  • Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation
  • Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation
  • Bethlehem Shipyard
  • Bethlehem Steel
  • Bethlehem Steel
  • Bethlehem Steel Company
  • Bethlehem Steel Corporation
  • Bethlehem Steel Corporation
  • Bethlehem Steel Corporation
  • Bethlehem Steel Corporation
  • Bethlehem Steel Corporation
  • Bethlehem Steel Corporation
  • Bethlehem Steel Pacific Coast
  • Bethlehem Steel Shipbuilding
  • Bethlehem Steel Shipbuilding
  • Bethlehem Steel Shipyard
  • Bethlehem Steel Shipyard
  • Bethlehem Steel Shipyard
  • Bethlehem Steel Steelmill
  • Betts Spring Company
  • Bevan Porcelain Company
  • Beverly Hillcrest
  • Beverly Hills Hotel
  • Beverly Hills Hotel
  • Beverly Manor Convalecent Hospital
  • Beverly Wilshire Building
  • Big Creek Power Company
  • Big Three Industries, Inc.
  • Big West of California, LLC
  • Bigelow-Liptak
  • Biliche Rowan Fire Pf. Building Company
  • Bill Williams Welding Co., Inc.
  • Billings Plumbing
  • Billings Plumbing Inc
  • Billy Sunday (ship)
  • Biltmore Hotel
  • Biltmore Hotel
  • Bimini Hot Springs
  • Biochemical Laboratories
  • Bird & Sons Inc