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Mesothelioma in San Francisco, California

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Jennifer Lucarelli Lawyer and Legal Advisor

San Francisco, California, experiences notable rates of mesothelioma incidence and mortality. Between 1999 and 2020, San Francisco ranked in the top 15 counties in the state for most mesothelioma deaths. Residents affected by asbestos-related illnesses can find treatment and legal resources below.

01. Mesothelioma Treatment in San Francisco

San Francisco, California Mesothelioma Treatment

Mesothelioma patients in the San Francisco area can seek treatment locally. Cancer centers with experienced mesothelioma doctors are located in San Francisco, Stanford and other cities throughout the state. For instance, patients may seek care at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) at Mount Zion. UCSF is consistently ranked as a top hospital in the nation by U.S. News & World Report.

Doctors at UCSF at Mount Zion and other local cancer centers have experience treating different types of mesothelioma. These health care providers will develop comprehensive, personalized treatment plans for patients that could potentially extend life expectancy with mesothelioma.

Cancer Centers for Mesothelioma Serving San Francisco, California

There are numerous mesothelioma treatment centers in or around San Francisco. For instance, the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center at UCSF at Mount Zion provides its patients with a range of treatment options. Doctors here specialize in surgery, chemotherapy and other therapies for mesothelioma.

University of California San Francisco at Mount Zion

University of California San Francisco at Mount Zion

San Francisco, CA 94115

Stanford Cancer Institute

Stanford Cancer Institute

Stanford, CA 94305

02. Mesothelioma Doctors in San Francisco

San Francisco, California Mesothelioma Doctors

People who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma should seek advice from a specialist as soon as possible. There are numerous mesothelioma specialists and knowledgeable oncologists in the San Francisco area.

These doctors will develop specialized care programs for patients. They may also be able to help patients enroll in clinical trials for emerging therapies. For instance, doctors within UCSF’s Thoracic Oncology Program have conducted various clinical trials for mesothelioma.

Photo of David M. Jablons, M.D.

David M. Jablons, M.D.

Chief of General Thoracic Surgery and Director of the Thoracic Oncology Laboratory
San Francisco, CA

Photo of Matthew A. Gubens, M.D.

Matthew A. Gubens, M.D.

Thoracic Oncologist
San Francisco, CA

Photo of Mark R. Cullen, M.D.

Mark R. Cullen, M.D.

Director of the Center for Population Health Sciences
Stanford, CA

03. Mesothelioma Lawsuits in San Francisco

San Francisco, California Mesothelioma Lawsuits

San Francisco residents affected by mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases may be eligible for compensation. Many residents have filed successful mesothelioma lawsuits against companies that wrongfully caused asbestos exposure. Compensation for mesothelioma can help patients and their families recover lost income, pay for medical expenses and more.

Finding a Lawyer or Law Firm in San Francisco, California

Mesothelioma law firms can help asbestos victims in the San Francisco area. Victims and their loved ones should contact a knowledgeable asbestos attorney as soon as possible. If you were exposed to asbestos in California at a commercial, residential or military site and have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be entitled to compensation.

Experienced lawyers who specialize in mesothelioma can help victims understand their legal options. These asbestos attorneys can also handle the entire legal process, including gathering needed documentation and filing the lawsuit.

Fighting to get mesothelioma victims the compensation they deserve. Recognized by Super Lawyers® and National Trial Lawyers.

Experienced mesothelioma and asbestos lawyers serving victims nationwide. Recognized by Best Lawyers®, Super Lawyers® and U.S. News & World Report.

Over 16 years of experience serving asbestos injury victims. The Gori Law Firm is recognized by Super Lawyers®, National Trial Lawyers and the American Society of Legal Advocates (ASLA).

Over a decade of experience fighting hard for mesothelioma victims in California and across the country. Millions of dollars recovered for clients through passionate work in asbestos litigation.

Deadlines for Filing Mesothelioma Lawsuits in San Francisco, California

Every state has its own statutes of limitations for filing mesothelioma lawsuits. In San Francisco, patients or their surviving loved ones have 12 months to file a lawsuit. A lawyer experienced with California asbestos litigation can help ensure victims file within the timeline.

Statutes of Limitations for San Francisco

Personal Injury

Claims must be filed within 1 year after an asbestos-related diagnosis.

Wrongful Death

Claims must be filed within 1 year after an asbestos-related death.

Victims should speak to an experienced mesothelioma lawyer who understands state and local laws, including the statutes of limitations. They can also identify the best state in which to file a lawsuit. For instance, a victim may be eligible to file in another state based on where exposure occurred. An asbestos attorney can also help explain if a victim has other options for compensation.

Examples of clients served in the San Francisco area include:

Client Profile

Age: 66

Occupation: Navy

Jobsites Worked at: Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (1959 – 1979); USS Paul Revere (1968 – 1972)

Settlement: ~$6,656,956

Client Profile

Age: 60

Occupation: Shipyard

Jobsites Worked at: Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (1971 – 1972); Presidio (1978 – 1979)

Settlement: ~$5,437,183

Client Profile

Age: 75

Occupation: Mechanic

Jobsites Worked at: PG&E (Station C) (1964)

Settlement: ~$3,870,950

Client Profile

Age: 82

Occupation: Laborer

Jobsites Worked at: West Coast Shows Inc. (1961)

Settlement: ~$2,895,000

04. Asbestos Use in San Francisco

Asbestos Use in San Francisco, California

San Francisco residents and workers have faced asbestos exposure at various jobsites, buildings, schools and in their homes. The widespread use of asbestos in industries such as shipbuilding, manufacturing and construction in the city puts many at risk.

Industrial exposure to asbestos continues to occur in San Francisco. Past litigation has focused on several negligent companies using asbestos in the San Francisco Bay area, including Bethlehem Steel Shipyard and the former John D. Hoff Asbestos Company Mine.

San Francisco also once faced exposure risks from asbestos cement pipes for the city’s drinking water. Research conducted in the early 1980s on asbestos fibers in San Francisco drinking water led to calls for further action. Later, a 2002 report highlighted potential problems with asbestos-based cement drinking water pipes. The study, and another similar study conducted in 1981, found higher-than-average numbers of colon cancers, lung cancer and peritoneal cancers in San Francisco Bay residents.

This and other asbestos exposure sites in the city continue to put residents at risk of developing asbestos illnesses.

Asbestos Found in Hunters Point Naval Shipyard

Veterans and contractors who worked at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard or the on-site Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory (NRDL) continue to be at risk of developing mesothelioma and other asbestos-related health conditions.

Active from 1869 until 1974, Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is now an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund site. These contaminated sites are designated for cleanup when they pose an unsafe health risk to the public and/or environment.

Activities at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, including research conducted by the NRDL, contaminated the soil and the surrounding groundwater with dangerous chemicals. In addition, the soil at the site contains high levels of naturally occurring asbestos.

The U.S. EPA, the California EPA and the U.S. Navy have been working with one another to clean up the site for several decades. Asbestos-contaminated soil has been removed. In areas where removal hasn’t been possible, such as in shoreline or upland areas, workers have installed soil covers and implemented groundwater treatment programs to contain the mineral.

In addition to the naturally occurring asbestos at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, Navy ships also contained a large amount of the mineral. Wall and pipe insulation, decking materials, roofing materials and floor tiles on ships often contained asbestos. When these products were removed or replaced, workers potentially ingested or inhaled asbestos fibers.

Veterans and contractors who worked at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, the NRDL or anywhere on site until the mid-1970s are potentially at risk of developing mesothelioma. Shipyard workers, Navy personnel, scientists, technicians and other workers may have come into contact with asbestos dust. Additionally, any old asbestos materials at the site may continue to pose an exposure risk.

San Francisco, California Jobsites Where Asbestos Exposure Occurred

  • 50 Fremont Center
  • A. Carlisle & Company
  • A. Schilling & Company
  • A.P. Giannini Middle School
  • A.P. Green Refractory Company
  • ABC Studios
  • Accumulator Insurance
  • Acme Brewing Company
  • Acme Export Packing Company
  • Aero Delivery
  • Agency Expediting
  • Alaska Commercial Building
  • Alcoa Aluminum
  • Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.
  • Allen Meat Company
  • Allied Box Factory
  • Allied Electronic Services, Inc.
  • Allied Packing & Supply, Inc.
  • Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company
  • Amelco Electric of San Francisco
  • American Airlines
  • American Asbestos Company
  • American Biscuit Company
  • American Can Company
  • American Cream of Tartar Company
  • American Express Company
  • American Licorice Company
  • American Linen Supply Company (ALSCO)
  • American President Lines, LLC
  • American Trust Company
  • Americana Inn Motel
  • Anchor Brewing Company
  • Anchor Packaging Corporation
  • Anderson Rowe & Buckley, Inc.
  • Anna E. Waden Branch Library
  • Arabian American Oil Company
  • Archdiocese of San Francisco
  • Arcon Construction, Inc.
  • Armanino Farms
  • Armor Galvanizing Works
  • Armstrong Cork Company
  • Army Street Terminal
  • Arthur Andersen & Company
  • Associated Lathing & Plastering Company
  • Associated Oil Company
  • Atlas Heating & Ventilating Company
  • Atlas Minerals & Chemicals, Inc.
  • Atlas Ornamental Iron Works
  • Atlas Roofing Company
  • B. & J.S. Doe
  • Babcock & Wilcox Company
  • Bahrain Petroleum Company
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of California
  • Bank of Montreal
  • Banneker Homes, Inc.
  • Barclays Investment Bank
  • Barrelier Heating
  • Barrett & Hilp
  • Battery Exchange
  • Bay and River Navigation Company
  • Bayview Tower
  • Beale Street Team Track
  • Bechtel Corporation
  • Bechtel-Price-Callahan
  • Bedford Hotel
  • Belmont Flowers
  • Belmont School
  • Benjamin Franklin Middle School
  • Bennett Wilsey, Inc.
  • Best Foods, Inc.
  • Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation
  • Bethlehem Steel Corporation
  • Betts Spring Company
  • Blue Shield of California
  • Board of State Harbor Commissioners
  • Bohemian Club
  • Boys and Girls Aid Society
  • Brenneke Sheet Metal Company, Inc.
  • Brown Brothers Building
  • Buckingham and Hecht Shoe Company
  • Bulk Food Carriers, Inc.
  • Bumstead-Woolford Company
  • Burgermeister Brewery
  • Butler Building
  • C.C. Moore Company
  • C.J. Fagoni Meat
  • C.J. Hendry Company
  • C.O. Bartlett & Snow Company
  • C.W. Stouffer Company
  • Cahill Building
  • Cahill Construction, Inc.
  • California Chemical Company
  • California Department of General Services
  • California Division of Highways
  • California Electric Supply Company
  • California Fruit Canners Association
  • California Pacific Medical Center
  • California Pack Utility
  • California Packing Corporation
  • California Petroleum Refineries
  • California Physicians’ Service Company
  • California Podiatry Hospital
  • California Savings & Loan
  • California State Building
  • California Street Cable Railroad Company
  • Cambria Spring
  • Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
  • Candlestick Park
  • Career Academy
  • Cargill, Inc.
  • Castle & Cooke, Inc.
  • Central Police Station
  • Challenge Cream & Butter Association
  • Charles Ayers Company
  • Charles C. Moore and Company
  • Chevron Richmond Refinery
  • Christian V. Manufacturing Engineering
  • Christopher Dairy Farms
  • Chronicle Building
  • Circus Peanuts
  • City College of San Francisco
  • City Electric Company
  • Civil Service Employment Insurance Company
  • Claus Spreckels Building
  • Clay Jones Apartments
  • Cleasby-Wittig Company
  • Clementina Towers
  • Cleveland Wrecking Company
  • Climax Uranium Company
  • Coast Marine & Industrial Supply, Inc.
  • Coca-Cola Company
  • Coddington Company
  • Coen Company, Inc.
  • Coldwell Banker
  • Cole & De Graas
  • Columbia-Geneva Steel
  • Commercial Steam Power Works
  • Commercial Union Insurance Group
  • Commonwealth Bank
  • Computer Usage Development
  • Conlin & Roberts
  • Consumers Ice Company
  • Continental Baking Company
  • Continental Can Company (CCC)
  • Continental Maritime of San Francisco
  • Continental Ship Repair
  • Continental Smelting & Refining Company
  • Convent of the Good Shepherd
  • Cooper Medical College
  • Copper King Mining and Smelting Company
  • Corn Products Company
  • Cornerstone Academy – Silver Campus
  • Cow Palace
  • CPC International
  • Crocker National Bank
  • Crowley Maritime Corporation
  • Crown Columbia Pulp and Paper Company
  • Crown Zellerbach Corporation
  • CSAA Building
  • Cyclops Refrigeration
  • D. Ghirardelli & Company
  • Dairy Delivery Company, Inc.
  • Dalziel & Moller Company
  • Dante Sanatorium
  • Dawson Meat Company
  • De Anza College
  • de Young Museum
  • Dean Witter & Company
  • Dee Engineering Company
  • Del Monte Milling Company
  • Delano Bros. Company
  • Deming Brothers, Inc.
  • DeNarde Construction Company
  • Dependable Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
  • DHRCO Insulation
  • Diamond Heights High School
  • Dohrmann Hotel Supply Company
  • Domestic Cheese Company
  • Douglass Insulation Company
  • Dow Metal Products Company
  • Dudley Perkins Company
  • Duke Energy Corporation
  • DuPont de Nemours, Inc.
  • Dutton Asbestos
  • E.H. Edwards Wire Rope Company
  • E.J. Bartells Company
  • Eastman Kodak Company
  • Eddie Bauer
  • Electrical Contractors Building
  • Ellis Brook Auto Center
  • Embarcadero
  • Emery Air Freight
  • Engineers Mechanical Construction
  • Engstrum and Nourse
  • Enviro-Tech Systems, Inc.
  • Equitable Gas Light Company
  • Equitable Life Building
  • Eureka Chemical Company
  • Eureka Federal Savings & Loan Association
  • Eureka Machine Corporation
  • Everett Junior High School
  • Excelsior Heating
  • Excelsior Theatre
  • F.S. Johnson Company
  • Fairmont Hotel
  • Fatted Calf
  • Federal Reserve Bank Building
  • Federal Security Company
  • Fedmet Resources Corporation
  • Feedstuffs Processing Company
  • Fenco A. Heating & Air Conditioning
  • Ferry Building
  • Ferry Steel Products & Equipment Company
  • Fiberglas Engineering & Supply Company
  • Fibreboard Corporation
  • Fig Power Refrigeration Company
  • Financial Center Building
  • Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company
  • First Western Bank
  • FLAX art & design
  • Fleischmann Distilling Corporation
  • Florence Crittenton Services
  • Florsheim Shoe Store
  • Folger Coffee Company Building
  • Foremost Dairies
  • Foremost Foods Corporation
  • Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture
  • Fort Miley Military Reservation
  • Four Seasons Hotel (Geary St)
  • Fox Plaza Apartments
  • Frank D. Smith Company
  • Franklin Hospital
  • Franklin Machine Works, Inc.
  • Frederick Whitman Company
  • Fredrickson & Watson Construction Company
  • French Hospital
  • Fulton Engineering and Shipbuilding Works
  • Fulton Iron Works, Hinckley, Spiers and Hayes
  • Gallo Salame®
  • Galvanize – San Francisco
  • Gardner A. Dailey Office
  • Garfield Square – Field House
  • Garrett Company W.J.
  • Gateway Hardware, Inc.
  • Geary Street, Park and Ocean Railway
  • General Brewing Company
  • General Chemical – Anhydrous Plant
  • General Engineering & Dry Dock Company
  • General Services Agency (GSA)
  • Genesee Mill Company
  • George Lithograph Company
  • German Hospital
  • Ghirardelli Square
  • Giant Powder Company
  • Gino’s Restaurant – Spring Alley
  • Glidden Paint Plant
  • Global Air Cargo
  • Globe Grain and Milling Company
  • Globe Metals Company
  • Golden Bear Sportswear
  • Golden Gate & Miners Iron Works
  • Golden Gate Bridge – Toll Station
  • Golden Gate Flour Mills
  • Golden Gate Garage
  • Golden Gate Magazines
  • Golden Gate Marine Industrial, Inc.
  • Golden Gate Meat Company
  • Golden Gate University
  • Golden Gate University School of Law
  • Golden Gate Woolen Mills Manufacturing Company
  • Golden Mariner
  • Golden State Meat Company
  • Golden State Milk Products Company
  • Goldman & Sons
  • Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
  • Grace Lines, Inc.
  • Granada Hotel
  • Great Western Power Company
  • Green Hill Tower
  • Grinnell Company of the Pacific
  • Growers Refrigeration Company
  • Guy F. Atkinson Company
  • H.P. Gregory and Company
  • H.S. Crocker & Company
  • Hallidie Plaza
  • Hamm’s Brewery
  • Harbor Tug & Barge Company
  • Hartford Building
  • Hartford Insurance Company
  • Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Company
  • Head Gasket Company
  • Heat & Control, Inc.
  • Henry-Tibbitts Construction Company
  • Henshaw, Bulkley & Company
  • Hibernia Bank Building
  • Hickory Apartments
  • Hills Brothers Coffee
  • Hilp Building
  • Hilton Hotel
  • Hobart Estate Building
  • Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson
  • Holiday Inn
  • Hong Kong Bank
  • Honig-Cooper & Harrington Advertising
  • Hormel Foods Corporation
  • Hospital for Children and Training School for Nurses
  • Hubertus Company
  • Humboldt Savings Bank
  • Hunt, Mirk & Company, Inc.
  • Hunters Point Naval Shipyard
  • Hurley Plumbing & Heating
  • Hyatt House
  • Hyatt Regency Hotel
  • Hyland Blood Bank
  • Independent Electric Light and Power Company
  • Indies Terminal Company
  • Industrial Design Company
  • Industrial Welding
  • Insurance Center Building
  • Insurance Exchange Building
  • InterContinental Mark Hopkins Hotel
  • International Building
  • Italian Hospital & Benevolent Association
  • ITT World Communications, Inc.
  • Iwamasa Building
  • J. Barth & Company
  • J.A. Folger and Company
  • J.G. Grannis and Company
  • J.S. Guerin & Company
  • J.S. Hammond and Company
  • Jack Tar Hotel
  • Jackson Steiner Apartments
  • James Allen Meat Company
  • Japanese Cultural & Trade Center
  • Jewish Home Dietary Facility
  • John Deere Building
  • John G. Sutton Company
  • Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
  • Judson Manufacturing Company
  • K&H Manufacturing
  • Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Medical Center and Medical Offices
  • Kate Kennedy School
  • Katherine Delmar Burke School
  • Kellogg Company
  • Kern Trading & Oil Company
  • Kerry’s Lounge and Restaurant
  • Kilpatrick’s Bakeries, Inc.
  • Koret of California, Inc.
  • Koret Stevenson Building
  • Krogh Manufacturing Company
  • Kron Television
  • Kullman Salz and Company
  • Kushing Pappagallo
  • L.&E. Emanuel, Inc.
  • L.D. Reeder Company
  • L&M Bakery & Deli
  • Lachman and Jacob
  • Laguna Honda Hospital
  • Langendorf United Bakeries, Inc.
  • Larsen & Larsen
  • Lash Terminal
  • Legallet-Hellwig Tanning Company
  • Legion of Honor
  • Leland Stanford Junior University Hospital
  • Letterman Army Medical Center
  • Levi Strauss & Company
  • Lick Paper Company
  • Liquid Carbonic Corporation
  • Longshoremen’s Union
  • Los Portales Medical and Dental Center
  • Louis Roesch Company
  • Lowell High School
  • Lucas Meats
  • Lucky Lager Brewing Company
  • M.L. Mitchell Building
  • Macnicol & Company
  • Macy’s Department Store
  • Mahoney Brothers
  • Maison Mendessolle
  • Mandarin Tower
  • Mangrum and Otter Building
  • Marathon Refinery
  • Mare Island Naval Yard
  • Marin Dairymen’s Milk Company
  • Market Street Railway Company
  • Mars Metals Company
  • Marubeni America Corporation
  • Mary Star of Sea High School
  • Mary’s Help Hospital
  • Matson Building
  • Matson Lines
  • Matson Navigation Company
  • Maxwell House
  • Mendell Edwards
  • Merced Milling Company
  • Merchants Exchange Building
  • Merchants Ice & Cold Storage Company
  • Merck and Company, Inc.
  • Mercy High School
  • Merritt Ship Repair Company
  • Metal and Thermit Corporation
  • Metropolitan Gas Corporation
  • Metropolitan Life Building
  • Meyerson Company
  • Mezzanine
  • Millbrae Dairy
  • Miller and Lux Company
  • Mills Building
  • Mills Field
  • Mirant Corporation
  • Mission Bay Market
  • Mission High School
  • Mission Iron Works
  • Mission Terrace Hospital
  • Moffett Federal Airfield
  • Molinari & Sons Salame Company
  • Monroe Insulation Industries
  • Moore Dry Dock Company
  • Morris Plan Company
  • Morrison and Bevilockway
  • Moscone Convention Center
  • Mundet Cork Corporation
  • Muni Metro Light Rail
  • Municipal Light and Power Company
  • Murphy’s Heating & Sheetmetal
  • Musto Building
  • Mutual Benefit Life Company
  • Mutual Electric Light Company
  • Nabisco
  • National Broadcasting Company Studio
  • National Ice Company
  • National Lead Company
  • National Paper Products Company
  • Naval Station Treasure Island
  • New Process Laundry
  • North Block Office
  • North Point Water Pollution Control Plant
  • North Shore Railroad Company
  • NorthPoint Apartments
  • NRG Energy Center
  • NRG Potrero Generating Station
  • O’Brien Spotorno & Meats
  • Oakland Post Office
  • Ocean Shore Iron Works
  • Ocean Shore Railway Company
  • Olympic Club
  • One Market Plaza
  • Oroweat Baking Company
  • Orpheum Building Company
  • Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation
  • P.E. O’Hair & Company
  • Pacific Air Lines
  • Pacific Bell Telephone Company
  • Pacific Bridge Company
  • Pacific Cereal Association
  • Pacific Coast Transport Company
  • Pacific Commodities Corporation
  • Pacific Dry Dock & Repair Company
  • Pacific Drywall and Painting, Inc.
  • Pacific Far East Lines, Inc.
  • Pacific Foundry Company Limited
  • Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)
  • Pacific Hebrew Orphan Asylum
  • Pacific Improvement Company
  • Pacific Insurance Company
  • Pacific Lithograph Company, Inc.
  • Pacific Maritime Association
  • Pacific Metal Company
  • Pacific Mutual Life Building
  • Pacific Mutual Savings
  • Pacific Rolling Mill Company
  • Pacific Ship Repair & Fabrications, Inc.
  • Pacific Stock Exchange
  • Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company
  • Pacific Union Club
  • Palace Hotel
  • Pan American World Airways
  • Paragon Wax
  • Parkmerced Apartments
  • Parkside Branch Library
  • Parrott Building
  • Peerless Electric
  • Pelton Junior High School
  • Pennhurst State School and Hospital
  • Phelan Building
  • Phillips & Van Orden Company
  • Piedmont Cable Company
  • Pier 19
  • Pier 22
  • Pier 23
  • Pier 27
  • Pier 29
  • Pier 30
  • Pier 31
  • Pier 33
  • Pier 34
  • Pier 39
  • Pier 44
  • Pier 46
  • Pier 46B
  • Pier 54
  • Pier 90
  • Pier 96
  • Plant Asbestos Company
  • Planters Nut and Chocolate Company
  • Plateau Supply Company
  • Pomeroy Building
  • Pope & Talbot Steamship Company
  • Port Costa Milling Company
  • Port of San Francisco
  • Portilla Corporation
  • Potrero Hill Middle School
  • Power Refrigeration Company
  • Presidio of San Francisco
  • Pringle Apartments
  • Procter & Gamble (P&G)
  • Providence Place
  • Prudential Grace Lines
  • Public Health Service Hospital
  • Quality Motel
  • R.H. Macy’s
  • Radisson Miyako Hotel
  • Raffles Restaurant
  • Raphael Weill Child Development Center
  • Ray Advertising
  • Recorder Printing & Publishing
  • Regal Amber Brewing Company
  • Rialto Building
  • Robert Dollar Building
  • Roos-Atkins Department Stores
  • Roy Andersen Paint Company
  • Royal Blue Paint
  • Royal Insurance Building
  • Royal Tallow and Soap Company
  • Ruffino and Bianchi Incorporation
  • Russ Building
  • S&W Fine Foods, Inc.
  • Sacomo Manufacturing
  • Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory
  • Safeway Stores
  • Saint Cecilia Church
  • Saint Francis Hotel
  • Saint Francis Memorial Hospital
  • Salesian Boys’ & Girls’ Club
  • Salvation Army
  • San Bernardino Borax Mining Company
  • San Domenico School
  • San Franciscan Hotel
  • San Francisco and San Mateo Railway Company
  • San Francisco Art Institute
  • San Francisco Bay Naval Shipyard
  • San Francisco Board of Education
  • San Francisco Brewing Company
  • San Francisco Chronicle
  • San Francisco Courthouse
  • San Francisco Federal Building
  • San Francisco Fire Department
  • San Francisco Fire Station 28
  • San Francisco Fire Station 37
  • San Francisco Fire Station 46
  • San Francisco Golf Club
  • San Francisco Hall of Justice
  • San Francisco Housing Authority
  • San Francisco International Airport
  • San Francisco Iron Works
  • San Francisco Laundry
  • San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
  • San Francisco Newspaper Printing Company
  • San Francisco Piers
  • San Francisco Polytechnic High School
  • San Francisco Pumping Station North 2
  • San Francisco Railway and Power Company
  • San Francisco Redevelopment Agency
  • San Francisco Savings Union
  • San Francisco State University
  • San Francisco Sulphur Company
  • San Francisco Terrace Nursing Home
  • San Francisco Tool Company
  • San Francisco VA Medical Center
  • San Francisco Welding
  • San Francisco Wire & Iron
  • Sanitary Laundry
  • Santa Clara Plant
  • Santa Fe Team Track
  • Sarracoat Tank Company
  • Sassoon Academy
  • Sawyer Bank
  • Sayre & Tuso, Inc.
  • Schmidt Lithograph Company
  • Schofield Construction Group
  • Schrader Iron Works
  • Schroeder Air Conditioning
  • Scott Company
  • Selby Smelting and Lead Company
  • Selix Formalwear
  • Seoul Mining Company
  • Sequoia Apartments
  • Sequoia Ventures, Inc.
  • SF Masonic Auditorium
  • SFO Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • Shaffer & Company, Inc.
  • Sharon Art Studio
  • Shell Oil Company
  • Shipowners & Merchants Towboat
  • Shreve and Company
  • Shriners Hospitals for Children
  • Sierra and San Francisco Power Company
  • Sierra Club Offices
  • Sir Francis Drake Hotel
  • Skaggs Pay Less Drug Stores
  • Skyline College
  • Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute
  • Somerset Company
  • Soule Steel Company
  • South San Francisco Unified School District
  • South Side Light and Power Company
  • Southern Pacific Railroad Company
  • Southwest Marine Drydock, Inc.
  • Sperry Flour Company
  • Spreckels Russell Dairy Company
  • Spreckels Sugar Company
  • Spring Valley Water Company
  • St. Anne of the Sunset
  • St. Dominic’s Catholic Church
  • St. Francis Theatre
  • St. Francis Yacht Club
  • St. Ignatius College Preparatory
  • St. Joseph’s Hospital
  • St. Luke’s Hospital
  • St. Mary’s Cathedral School & Convent
  • St. Mary’s Medical Center
  • St. Michael’s Catholic Church
  • St. Thomas More Church
  • Stan Flowers Company
  • Standard American Dredging Company
  • Standard Brands of California
  • Standard Engineering Company
  • Standard Oil Company of California
  • Standard Rubber Company
  • Stanford Court Hotel
  • Stanford University
  • Star of the Sea Church
  • States Steamship Company
  • Stauffer Chemical Company
  • Stecker Training
  • Stemples Doughnuts
  • Stonestown Apartments
  • Stonestown Galleria
  • Submarine Dry Dock
  • Sumitomo Bank
  • Superior Aluminum Alloys
  • Sutro Railway Company
  • Sutro Tower
  • Sweeney Building
  • Swift & Company
  • Swinerton & Walberg Company
  • Swiss American Sausage
  • Sylmar Packing Company
  • Synanon
  • Syntex
  • Syufy Enterprises
  • Taffy Meat Company
  • Tatum and Bowen
  • Tay-Holbrook, Inc.
  • Textured Coatings of San Francisco
  • The Alcoa Building
  • The Baker Hotel
  • The Clift Royal Sonesta Hotel
  • The Emporium
  • The Gateway Apartments
  • The Hearst Building
  • The Hungry Tiger
  • The Magic Pan
  • The Warfield Theatre
  • Theo Hamm Brewing Company
  • Tiffany & Co.
  • Tishman Speyer
  • Todd Shipyards
  • Toronto Dominion Bank
  • Town School for Boys
  • Tracy Engineering Company
  • Transamerica Pyramid Center
  • Triple A Machine Shop
  • Triple A Shipyard
  • U.S. Assay Office
  • U.S. Coast Guard Sector San Francisco
  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection – San Francisco Port of Entry
  • U.S. Food & Drug Administration San Francisco Regional Laboratory
  • UC San Francisco
  • UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals
  • UCSF Betty Irene Moore Women’s Hospital
  • UCSF Medical Center
  • UCSF Medical Center at Mount Zion
  • Ulloa Elementary School
  • Underground Construction Company
  • Union Lumber Company
  • Union Oil Company of California
  • Union Square Plaza Hotel
  • Union Trust Company
  • United Airlines
  • United Artists Theater
  • United California Bank
  • United Cogen, Inc.
  • United Cold Storage
  • United Engineering Company
  • United Fruit Company
  • United Railroads of San Francisco
  • United States Appraisers Building
  • United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
  • United States Laundry Company
  • United States Lines Company
  • United States Mint San Francisco Facility
  • United States Navy Postgraduate School
  • United States Steel Corporation
  • United Textiles Company
  • Universal Fire Equipment Company
  • Universal Tire and Rubber Company
  • University of California Medical Center
  • University of San Francisco
  • Utah Power and Light Company
  • Vagabond Hotel
  • Vance Huckins Hotel Company
  • Vanderson Construction, Inc.
  • Vermont Marble Company
  • Viavi Company
  • Victory Carriers, Inc.
  • Visitation Water Company
  • W.P. Fuller & Company
  • Wabash Oil Company
  • Walgreens Drug Store
  • Walker & Moody Architects
  • Wally Heider Recording Studio
  • Waterman Steamship Corporation
  • Weed Lumber Company
  • Wells Die Casting
  • Wells Fargo
  • Wenrick & Associates
  • West Coast Life Insurance Company
  • West Winds, Inc.
  • Western Addition Apartments
  • Western Airlines
  • Western Asbestos
  • Western Girl, Inc.
  • Western MacArthur Company
  • Western Meat Company
  • Western Pacific Railway
  • Western Pipe and Steel Company
  • Western Sugar Refinery
  • Western Title Insurance Company
  • Westinghouse Electric Corporation
  • Westminster Hotel
  • Westside Community Health Center
  • White-Rodgers
  • William Deawond and Company
  • William Taaffe Meat Company
  • William Thompson Garrett and Company
  • Williams Diamond Company
  • Wilson Meat Company
  • Wilson Sporting Goods Company
  • Woodrow Wilson High School
  • Woodside Gardens Apartments
  • Yellow Cab Company
  • Yosemite Lumber Company
  • Youth Guidance Center
  • Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital

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