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Asbestos in Massachusetts

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For decades, many prominent Massachusetts industries used asbestos. Shipbuilding, manufacturing and construction all heavily relied on the mineral. This use put workers and residents at risk for asbestos exposure across the state. Exposure may lead to mesothelioma and other related diseases.

01. Massachusetts Asbestos Use

Asbestos Use in Massachusetts

Massachusetts industries used asbestos for most of the 20th century. They used the mineral for its insulation and fire-resistant properties for decades. Many Massachusetts buildings were built with asbestos products and materials. This heavy use of asbestos led to exposure for many Massachusetts workers, veterans and residents.

Today, the mineral is better regulated to help limit its harmful effects. Regulations in the 1980s limited new asbestos use. But old products, equipment and facilities state-wide could still expose people to asbestos.

Massachusetts Asbestos Statistics

Massachusetts has a lengthy commercial history with asbestos. Industries like manufacturing and shipbuilding once relied on asbestos. Massachusetts has four known asbestos deposits, including two former mines. Exposure to the harmful mineral has led to asbestos cancers, like mesothelioma, for many people in this state.

Notable statistics about mesothelioma in Massachusetts from 1999 to 2020 include:

  • Approximately 2,004 Massachusetts residents were diagnosed with mesothelioma.
  • Massachusetts reported 1,642 mesothelioma deaths.
  • Massachusetts has the eighth highest mesothelioma death rate in the country.
  • Barnstable County, Massachusetts, is in the top 50 highest U.S. counties for mesothelioma death rates.

Patients may seek custom mesothelioma treatment in Massachusetts. Boston is home to many reputable cancer centers, including Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Patients and families can also get specialized legal aid. Mesothelioma law firms can help navigate asbestos laws in Massachusetts.

02. Asbestos in Workplaces

Occupational Asbestos Use in Massachusetts

Massachusetts asbestos use often occurred in commercial and industrial settings. The mineral was affordable and durable, making it a popular addition to many products and materials. As a result, many people faced workplace asbestos exposure risks.

Workers may have handled asbestos products or used machines made with it. Buildings and facilities were often built with asbestos construction materials, leading to exposure risks for anyone in the area. Certain Massachusetts occupations faced higher asbestos risks than others.

Occupations Exposed to Asbestos in Massachusetts

Residential asbestos use was also common in Massachusetts. Before the 1980s, schools and homes were often built with asbestos-containing materials. If these materials are broken down, asbestos exposure risks can increase. Activities like remodeling or do-it-yourself repairs may lead to asbestos exposure.


Massachusetts once had two active asbestos mines, one near Pelham and the other near Hinsdale. Mining for asbestos and some other minerals, like talc, poses exposure risks. Typical job activities can stir up asbestos dust, which miners can inhale or ingest. They may also accidentally bring asbestos fibers home on their gear and clothes. This can lead to secondary exposure for members of their household.


Many manufacturing facilities in Massachusetts used asbestos in their products or buildings. Asbestos companies often produced products like textiles, chemicals and electrical components. Asbestos was also popular to protect against high-heat manufacturing environments. Wainwright Manufacturing Company and American Can Company are examples of Massachusetts manufacturing companies known to have used asbestos.


Like the rest of the country, Massachusetts schools were once built with many asbestos materials. Massachusetts schools that contain asbestos include Middleboro Junior High and High School, Medford High School, Needham High School and Dartmouth Catholic High School. As schools age, asbestos materials may become broken down and more hazardous. Teachers, students and other school staff or visitors may be at risk of asbestos exposure.


Until the 1980s, every branch of the U.S. military used asbestos. Once the mineral was more regulated, new uses of asbestos stopped. But many older military bases, facilities, vehicles, ships and machinery still contain asbestos.

Massachusetts has several military asbestos sites, including the Charlestown Navy Yard and Bedford Air Force Base. These and other military sites have posed past and ongoing asbestos risks to service members.

03. Superfund Sites & Shipyards

Asbestos Shipyards and Superfund Sites in Massachusetts

Various shipyards in Massachusetts are known asbestos sites. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund list also contains several asbestos-contaminated sites in the state. These locations have posed health risks in the past, and some continue today.

Fore River Shipyard

In 1883, the Fore River Shipyard opened as the Fore River Engine Company. Before its closure in 1989, the shipyard’s name and ownership changed various times. Over the years, this shipyard produced more than 600 vessels. These ships were used for both World Wars and the Cold War.

These high-production years were also the peak of U.S. asbestos use. Many ships built here may have contained asbestos products and materials. Anyone who worked at this shipyard may have been exposed to asbestos.

Charlestown Navy Yard

The Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston was established in the 1800s. It evolved from a repair facility to an important shipbuilding center known as a “destroyer yard.” Thousands of employees worked here around the clock to create destroyers and other warships.

Many Navy veterans worked at this shipyard. It also employed civilians and various specialized workers, like carpenters and blacksmiths. Asbestos use at this shipyard put workers in many trades at risk of asbestos exposure.

Bethlehem Hingham Shipyard

The Bethlehem Hingham Shipyard opened in 1941 and became a major ship producer. The shipyard closed in 1986, just a few years after asbestos regulations began. The shipyard covered 150 acres and employed more than 23,000 workers during its peak. Many of these workers faced asbestos exposure risks.

Nuclear Metals Inc.

In 2000, the EPA added Nuclear Metals Inc. in Concord to its Superfund list. This 46-acre facility produced depleted uranium products and metal powders for various uses. Its operations leached pollutants, like solid asbestos waste, into the soil and groundwater.

Immediate cleanup actions helped limit impacts on human and environmental health. A comprehensive plan was also created for continued remediation. Cleanup has not been enough to remove this site from the EPA’s Superfund list.

Creese & Cook Tannery

The Creese & Cook Tannery in Danvers was a leather tannery that operated from 1903 to the 1980s. It also served as a site for solid waste disposal and hazardous substance treatment. These types of activities led to the presence of harmful contaminants, including asbestos.

Although now closed, the potential health hazards remain. The EPA added this site to its Superfund list in 2013. Significant cleanup and remediation efforts continue today.

04. Exposure in Massachusetts Cities

Asbestos Exposure in Massachusetts Cities

Below is a list of cities in Massachusetts with insights about asbestos exposure and related information. Click on a city for more details about specific asbestos exposure risks.

05. Other Work Sites

Asbestos Risks at Other Massachusetts Jobsites

Many Massachusetts cities and towns have known asbestos jobsites. Select a town below to see the list of jobsites known to have exposed workers to asbestos. Asbestos exposure may lead to mesothelioma cancer and other asbestos-related diseases.

, Massachusetts Jobsites Where Asbestos Exposure Occurred

  • A & P Corrugated Box Corporation
  • A & P Warehouse
  • A T & T Company
  • A.C. and F.G. Burnham
  • A.C. Lawrence Leather Company
  • A.G. Spalding & Brothers
  • A.H. Rice Company
  • A.J. Harris
  • A.J. Harris
  • A.P. Cors & Company
  • A.S. Campbell Company
  • Abbott Transportation
  • Abrasive Products Inc
  • Academy Homes
  • Academy of The Assumption
  • Acme Neville Company
  • Acoustical Fireproofing Contractors
  • Acushnet Factory
  • Acushnet Process Company
  • Adams Flood Control Project
  • Adolph Kern
  • Albany Building
  • Albert and J M Anderson Manufacturing Company
  • Allen & Berenson
  • Allen Park Apartments I & II
  • Allied Container
  • Amdur Leather Company Inc
  • Amdur-Limon Tanning Company
  • America Net and Twine Company
  • American Abrasive Company
  • American Bell Telephone Building
  • American Biltrite
  • American Biltrite Rubber Company
  • American Bosch Magneto Corporation
  • American Can Company
  • American Can Company
  • American Can Company
  • American Chain Link Fence Company
  • American Glue Company
  • American Hide and Leather Company
  • American Hoechst
  • American International College
  • American Linen Supply Company
  • American Mason Safety Tread Company
  • American Milling Paper
  • American Optical
  • American Optical Company
  • American Optical Corporation
  • American Printing Company
  • American Reenforced Paper Company
  • American Rex Oil Heating
  • American Science & Engineering Building
  • American Steel & Wire Co.
  • American Sugar Refinery Company
  • American Sugar Refining Company
  • American Sugar Refining Company
  • American Tube Works
  • American Waltham Watch Company
  • American Wood Board
  • American Woolen Company
  • American Woolen Company
  • American Woolen Company
  • American Writing Paper Company
  • Ames Textile
  • Ames Theatre
  • Ames Worsted Company
  • Amherst College
  • Amherst College
  • Amherst College
  • Amherst Company
  • Amherst Graduate Research Center
  • Anderson Nichols & Company
  • Andover High School
  • Andover Plumbing & Heating
  • Andrew-Myerson Company
  • Ann & Hope Department Store
  • Annex To City Hall
  • Apex Chemical-Teknor
  • Aquinas College
  • Archer Rubber Company
  • Arkwright Finishing Plant
  • Arkwright Insurance Company
  • Arlington Floor
  • Arlington Mills
  • Armstrong
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Cork
  • Armstrong Cork Company
  • Arnold Print Works
  • Arnold Print Works
  • Artweight Mills
  • Ashton Valve Company
  • Aspinock Corp Hampton Print Works Div
  • Assawansett Elementary School
  • Associate Auto Body
  • Associate Auto Body
  • Assumption University
  • At & T Telephone Company
  • Athol Table Manufacturing Company
  • Atkinson & Lawrence
  • Atlantic Chemical Company
  • Atlantic Gelatin Company, Inc.
  • Atlantic Shipyard
  • Atlantic Works
  • Atlas Insulation Company
  • Attleboro Chain Company
  • Attleboro Manufacturing Company
  • Attleboro Refining
  • Attleboro Steam and Electric Company
  • Automatic Machine Product Company
  • Avco Research Lab
  • Avery Chemical Company
  • Avon Street Trust
  • B & M Siding
  • B. F. Keith
  • B. F. Sturtevant Company
  • B.F. Goodrich
  • B.F. Keith Theatre Company of Boston
  • Babson School
  • Back Bay Towers
  • Badger Corporation
  • Badger For Miles Labs
  • Balcom Electric
  • Bancroft Arnold Print Company
  • Barbour Welting Company
  • Barnaby Manufacturing Company
  • Barnstable County Jail
  • Barnstable Court House
  • Barnstable Elementary School
  • Barnstable High School
  • Barnstable Maritime Academy
  • Barnstable Middle School
  • Barnstable Power Plant
  • Barrett Company
  • Bateson Construction
  • Bauer Enterprises
  • Bay State Abrasive Products
  • Bay State Abrasive Products Company
  • Bay State Boiler, Inc.
  • Bay State Brick Company
  • Bay State Fire Brick Co.
  • Bay State Gas Company
  • Bay State Gas Company
  • Bay State Hospital
  • Bay State Smelting Company
  • Bay State St Railway Company
  • Bay State St. Railway Company
  • Bay State St. Railway Company
  • Bay State St. Railway Company
  • Bay State Street Railway Company
  • Bay State Street Railway Company
  • Bay State Street Railway Company
  • Bay State Sugar Refinery
  • Baystate Medical Center
  • Baystate West
  • Beacon Piping Company
  • Beacon Steam Laundry Company
  • Bear Swamp Hydroelectric Plant
  • Bechtel Corporation
  • Becker Brainard Milling Machine Company
  • Bedford Air Force Base
  • Beebe Holbrooke Company
  • Belcher Malleable Iron Company
  • Bell-Simons Companies
  • Bemis Brothers Bag Company
  • Bennett Spinning Mills
  • Bentley College
  • Berg Dimare & Berg
  • Bergsons Ice Cream Braintree Plaza
  • Berke Brothers Distilleries
  • Berke Brothers Distilleries
  • Berkshire Air Conditioning Corp
  • Berkshire College
  • Berkshire Commons
  • Berkshire Community Company
  • Berkshire Cotton Manufacturing Company
  • Berkshire County Savings Bank
  • Berkshire Frocks Inc
  • Berkshire Gas Company
  • Berkshire Gas Company
  • Berkshire Hathaway Inc
  • Berkshire Life Insurance Building
  • Berkshire Medical Center
  • Berkshire Metal Worker
  • Berkshire St. Railway Company
  • Berkshire-Hathaway Assn Inc
  • Beth Israel Hospital
  • Bethany Convent
  • Bethlehem Hingham Shipyard
  • Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation
  • Bethlehem Steel Company
  • Bethlehem Steel Corporation
  • Bethlehem Steel Shipyard
  • Bethlehem Steel Shipyard
  • Beverly Gas and Electric Company
  • Beverly Hospital
  • Bibber White Company
  • Bigelow Carpet Company
  • Bijou Theatre
  • Bird & Son Flooring Plant
  • Bird & Son Roofing
  • Bird and Son Inc
  • Birnie Paper Company
  • Blackstone Manufacturing Company
  • Blackstone‐Millville Regional School
  • Blake and Knowles Works
  • Blake Building
  • Blake Manufacturing Company
  • Bliss Marine
  • Block Plant Electric Light Company
  • Blodgett Estate
  • Blue Hill Sports Arena
  • BMC Hospital
  • Board of Education
  • Board of Education
  • Bolta Company
  • Bond Brothers
  • Boott Cotton Mills
  • Boott Mills
  • Borden Chemical
  • Borden Chemical Company
  • Boston & Albany Railroad
  • Boston & Albany Railroad
  • Boston & Albany Railroad
  • Boston & Albany Railroad, Clyde St. Pier Freight House
  • Boston & Maine (B&M) Railroad
  • Boston & Maine Railroad
  • Boston & Maine Railroad
  • Boston & Maine Railroad Company
  • Boston & Northern Street Railway Company
  • Boston and Albany Railroad
  • Boston and Northern St Railway Company
  • Boston and Northern St Railway Company
  • Boston and Northern St Railway Company
  • Boston and Northern St Railway Company
  • Boston and Northern St. Railway Company
  • Boston and Northern St. Railway Company
  • Boston and Oaxaca Mining Company
  • Boston and Suburban Laundry
  • Boston and Worcester St. Railway Company
  • Boston Arena Company
  • Boston Army Supply Base
  • Boston Aurora Zinc Company
  • Boston Beer Company
  • Boston Bridge Works
  • Boston Bridge Works
  • Boston Bridge Works.
  • Boston City Hall
  • Boston City Hospital
  • Boston College
  • Boston College
  • Boston College
  • Boston Consolidated Gas Company
  • Boston Consolidated Gas Company
  • Boston Edison Company
  • Boston Edison Company
  • Boston Edison Company
  • Boston Edison Company
  • Boston Edison Company
  • Boston Edison Company
  • Boston Edison Company
  • Boston Edison Company
  • Boston Edison Company
  • Boston Edison Plants
  • Boston Edison Pumping Station
  • Boston Electric Light Company
  • Boston Electric Light Company
  • Boston Elevated Railway Company
  • Boston Elevated Railway Company
  • Boston Federal Building
  • Boston Federal Reserve Bank
  • Boston Filter Company
  • Boston Five Cents Savings Bank
  • Boston Fuel Transportation Inc
  • Boston Fuel Transportation, Inc.
  • Boston Gas
  • Boston Gas Company
  • Boston Gas Company
  • Boston Gas Company
  • Boston Gas Company
  • Boston Gas Light Company
  • Boston Harbor Industrial Park
  • Boston Harbor Yacht Club
  • Boston Harbor Yacht Club
  • Boston Herald Company
  • Boston Housing Authority
  • Boston Latin School
  • Boston Logan International Airport
  • Boston Machine
  • Boston Market Terminal Company
  • Boston Music Hall
  • Boston Naval Shipyard
  • Boston Naval Shipyard
  • Boston Naval Shipyard
  • Boston Naval Yard
  • Boston Navy Yard
  • Boston Northern St Railway Company
  • Boston Northern St Railway Company
  • Boston Northern St. Railway Company
  • Boston Park Plaza Hotel
  • Boston Plumbing & Building Supply
  • Boston Public Schools
  • Boston Rubber Shoe Company
  • Boston Sand & Gravel Company
  • Boston Sausage
  • Boston Social Security Building
  • Boston State College
  • Boston State Hospital
  • Boston State Hospital
  • Boston Sugar Refinery
  • Boston Symphony Hall
  • Boston Technical High School
  • Boston Terminal Refrigerating Company
  • Boston Trade School
  • Boston University
  • Boston University
  • Boston University Hospital
  • Boston University, Nursing School
  • Boston Worcester Electric Company
  • Boston Woven Hose and Rubber Company
  • Boston Woven Hose and Rubber Company
  • Boxboard Products
  • BR Services Company
  • Bradlee and Chatman Company
  • Brainard Milling Machine Company
  • Braintree Electric Light Dept.
  • Braintree Light Company
  • Braman, Dow & Company
  • Brandeis University
  • Brayton Point Power Plant
  • Brayton Point Station
  • Brett and Simpson
  • Bride & Grimes
  • Bridgewater State College
  • Bridgewater State Prison
  • Bridgewater State Teachers College
  • Brigham & Women’s Hospital
  • Brighams At The Prudential Center
  • Brighton High School
  • Brightwater Paper Company
  • Brightwood Manufacturing. Company
  • Brimball School
  • Bristol Community College
  • Brockelman Brothers Warehouse
  • Brockton Edison Company
  • Brockton Gas Light Company
  • Brockton High School
  • Brockton Rand Company
  • Brockton Sewage Treatment Plant
  • Brockton Water Works
  • Brookline Hospital
  • Brookline Police Station
  • Brown Paper Company
  • Bryant Machine Company
  • Building Materials
  • Burbank Hospital
  • Burbank Hospital
  • Burlington Mall
  • Burr Elementary School
  • Butler & Ullman Inc.
  • Butler and Ullman, Inc.
  • Buzzards Bay Mar. Acad.-Gym & Pool
  • Buzzards Bay Maritime Academy
  • Buzzards Bay Maritime Academy-Library
  • Buzzards Bay Prison
  • Byron Western Power House
  • Byron Weston Company
  • C H Hayes
  • C. E. Cotting Estate
  • C. P. Blouin
  • C.J. Cox Engineering
  • C.J. Cox Engineering
  • C.J. Cox Engineering
  • Cabot & Forbes Ind. Park
  • Callahan Tunnel
  • Cambridge City Hospital
  • Cambridge City Hospital
  • Cambridge Court House
  • Cambridge Electric Light Company
  • Cambridge Electric Light Company
  • Cambridge Electric Light Company
  • Cambridge Electric Light Company
  • Cambridge Gas & Electric Company
  • Cambridge Gas Light Company
  • Cambridge Gas Light Company
  • Cambridge Manholes
  • Cambridge Research & Development Laboratory
  • Canal Electric Powerhouse
  • Canal Plant
  • Canal Project
  • Canton Elementary School
  • Canton Hospital
  • Cape & Vineyard Electric
  • Cape Ann Anchor & Forge
  • Cape Cod Community College
  • Cape Cod Hospital
  • Cape Cod Mall
  • Cape Cod Medical Building
  • Capitol Tire & Rubber Company
  • Cardinal Cushing General Hospital
  • Cardinal Spellman High School
  • Carling Brewing Company
  • Carlson Pattern Shop
  • Carney Hospital
  • Carter Building
  • Castle Square Hotel
  • Center For Advance Engr Study
  • Center Plaza 1
  • Center Plaza 2
  • Center Plaza 3
  • Central Catholic Laundry
  • Central Mass Electric Company
  • Central Plaza Building
  • Central Power Station
  • Century Investment Company
  • Chace Mills
  • Champion International Corporation
  • Champion Lamp Works
  • Champlain School
  • Chapel Hill Nursing Home
  • Charles P. Blouin, Inc.
  • Charles River Park Apartments
  • Charles River Plaza Office Building
  • Charles Romano Company
  • Charles‐Newton Apartments
  • Charlescrest Apartments
  • Charleston Naval Shipyard
  • Charleston Naval Shipyard
  • Charlestown Navy Yard
  • Chas. A. Sinclair Quincy House
  • Chase Building
  • Chatham Apartments
  • Chelsea Gas Light Company
  • Chelsea Memorial Health Center
  • Chelsea Naval Hospital
  • Chelsea Naval Shipyard
  • Chemical Paper Manufacturing Company
  • Chemical Plant
  • Chestnut Hill Mall
  • Chicopee High School
  • Chicopee Manufacturing Company
  • Chicopee Sewage Plant
  • Chicopee Trade School
  • Children’s Hospital Medical Center
  • Christian Science Benevolent Association
  • Chronic Disease Hospital
  • Churchill Apartments
  • Cities Service Oil Company
  • City Hall
  • City Hall
  • City of Boston Auditorium
  • City of Boston Municipal Auditorium
  • City of Boston South Bay Incinerator
  • City of Holyoke Electric Station
  • City of Holyoke Gas & Electric Department
  • City of Holyoke Municipal Power Plant
  • City of Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant
  • Civic Center
  • Clark Cove Realty Company
  • Clark University
  • Class A Fittings
  • Cleghom Company
  • Clevite Building
  • Coaters Inc.
  • Cocheco Manufacturing Company
  • Cochrane Chemical Company
  • Cochrane Chemical Company
  • Cochrane Harper and Company
  • Cohannet Mills
  • Cold Spring Brewing
  • Cole Hersey
  • Coleman Company
  • College of the Holy Cross
  • Colonial Estates
  • Colonial Press
  • Columbia Apartments
  • Columbia Improvement Company
  • Combustion Service Company of Ne
  • Commercial Press Building
  • Commonwealth Edison
  • Commonwealth Electric
  • Commonwealth Electric Company
  • Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  • Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  • Commonwealth of Massachusetts Civil Defense Headquarters
  • Commonwealth of Massachusetts State House
  • Community Suffolk Produce Company
  • Computer Medinet Center
  • Conant Ball Company
  • Conaty High School
  • Concord Maynard and Hudson St. Railway Company
  • Concord Municipal Light Plant
  • Concord Prison
  • Concord Reformatory Powerhouse
  • Conell Building
  • Consolidated Chemical Industries
  • Consolidated Distilleries, Inc.
  • Consolidated Elevator and Machine Works
  • Continental Baking Company
  • Continental Can Company
  • Continental Constr. Company
  • Continental Refinery
  • Converse Carlisle Coal Company
  • Converse Rubber Shoe Company
  • Conway Incinerator Company
  • Conways Metal Products
  • Cooley Dickenson Hospital
  • Copley-Plaza Hotel
  • Cordage Park Company
  • Cornell Dubilier Electric Corporation
  • Cornell Mills
  • Corwin Manufacturing Company
  • Countway Library, Harvard University Medicine
  • Covanta Energy Corp
  • Craftmen’s Machinery Corp
  • Crane and Company
  • Crane Paper Company
  • Craneville School
  • Crocker Burbank and Company
  • Crocker Manufacturing Company
  • Crompton & Knowles Loom Works
  • Crosby High School
  • Crosby Junior High School
  • Crosby Steam Gauge and Valve Company
  • Curtis Asbestos
  • Cushing Dickenson Realty Company
  • Cushing Hospital
  • Cutter Fire Brick Company
  • Cutter Fire Brick Company
  • Cycloidal Engineering Company
  • D. Mackintosh & Sons Company
  • D.E. Makepeace and Company
  • Dana Farber Cancer Center
  • Daniel O’Connell’s Sons, Inc.
  • Dartmouth Catholic High School
  • Dartmouth Convalescant Home
  • Dartmouth Elderly Housing
  • Dartmouth Finishing Corp
  • Dartmouth High School
  • Dartmouth Library
  • Dartmouth Manufacturing Corp
  • Dartmouth Middle School
  • Dartmouth Sewage Treatment Plant
  • Data General
  • Dav O Niter Corporation
  • Davidson Rubber Company
  • Davis & Furber Machine Company
  • Davol Mills
  • Dawson’s Brewery
  • De Ford and Company
  • Deaconess Hospital
  • Deerfield Academy
  • Dempsey Industrial Furnace Corporation
  • Dennison Manufacturing. Company
  • Densmone Le Clean
  • Densmore and Leclear
  • Dewey & Almy Chemical Company
  • Dexter School
  • Diamond International
  • Diamond Laundries Inc
  • Diamond Match Company
  • Diamond Match Company
  • Diamond National Corp
  • Dian Control
  • Dighton Somerset Andswansea St Railway Company
  • Dillaby Fireproofing Company
  • Doliber-Goodale Company
  • Domino Sugar Corporation
  • Dorchester Brass Factory
  • Dorchester High School
  • Dorchester Station
  • Dori Shoe
  • Douglass Shoe Company
  • Doyer Stamring Company
  • Draper Brothers and Company
  • Dupont Plumbing & Heating Co.
  • Durfee Theatre
  • Dwight Hall
  • Dwight Manufacturing Company
  • E. Belleau & Sons
  • E.I. Du Pont De Nemours
  • Earlsand Shoe Company
  • East Boston High School
  • East Boston Shipyard
  • East Boston Sugar Refinery
  • East Braintree Finishing Company
  • East Cambridge Sta
  • East Logan Airport
  • Eastern Cold Storage Company
  • Eastern Drywall
  • Eastern Refractories Company, Inc.
  • Eastern Refractories Inc.
  • Eastern Smelting & Refin
  • Eastern Steam Laundry Company
  • Easthampton Maintenance Company
  • Easthampton Rubber Thread Company
  • Eastman Gelatine Corporation
  • Eatle E.Florence Company
  • Eckel’s Corporation
  • EcoTarium
  • Edgar Station
  • Edgar Station Powerhouse
  • Edgar Station Powerhouse
  • Edison and Illuminating Company
  • Edison E. Illuminating Company
  • Edison Electric & Illuminating Company of Boston
  • Edison Electric Ill’G Company
  • Edison Electric Illuminating Company
  • Edison Electric Illuminating Company of Boston
  • Edison Electricc Ill Company
  • Edison Lamp Works of Genl. Electric Company
  • Edison Light & Power Station
  • Edmund M Wood and Company
  • Edson Fitch
  • Edward F. Byrnes Corporation
  • Edward F. Byrnes Corporation
  • Edward F. Byrnes Corporation
  • Electric Light Board
  • Electric Manufacturing Company
  • Elementary School
  • Elite Garage
  • Ellsworth Supply Company
  • Elm Hill Apartments
  • Elston Plumbing & Heating
  • Emerson & Cuming Inc
  • Emerson Hospital
  • Emmanuel Church
  • Emmanuel College
  • English and Flett
  • Enterprise Brewing Company
  • Episcopal Theological School
  • Essex County Electric Company
  • Essex Glue Gelatine Company
  • Essex Trust Bank Building
  • Esso Refinery
  • Esso Standard Oil Co.
  • Esso Standard Oil Company
  • Everett Powerhouse
  • Executive House Condominiums
  • Exxon
  • F & S Installation
  • F W Bird and Son
  • F.A. Mazzur Company
  • F.L. Roberts and Company
  • F.M. Shaw and Sons
  • Fairhaven Drive In
  • Fairhaven Elderly Housing
  • Fairhaven Shopping Center
  • Fairhaven Telephone
  • Fairhaven Town Hall
  • Fairlawn Rehabilitation Hospital
  • Fall River Electric Light Company
  • Fall River Gas Works Company
  • Fall River Housing For Physically Impaired
  • Fall River Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • Falmouth Bowling Alley
  • Falmouth High School
  • Falmouth Hospital
  • Falmouth Hospital-Children’s Center
  • Falmouth Intermediate School
  • Falmouth School
  • Falmouth Shellfish Lab
  • Falmouth Shopping Center
  • Falmouth Town Hall
  • Family Fair
  • Federal Office Building
  • Federal Reserve Bank
  • Fernandez Market
  • Fernandez Super Market
  • Fiberloid Corporation
  • Filene’s Department Store
  • Filene’s Department Store
  • Filenes Department Store
  • Fire Department Headquarters
  • First National Bank
  • First National Bank
  • First National Stores, Inc
  • First National Warehouse
  • First United Methodist Church
  • Fisk Rubber Company
  • Fisk Tire Company
  • Fisk Tire Company
  • Fitchburg Foundry Division
  • Fitchburg Gas & Electric Company
  • Fitchburg Junior High School
  • Fitchburg Paper Company
  • Fitchburg State Teachers College
  • Fitchbury Gas & Electric Company
  • Fleor For New England Power
  • Flint Mills
  • Floyd Chase & Son
  • Forbes & Wallace, Inc.
  • Forbes Lithograph Manufacturing Company
  • Ford Motor Company
  • Fore River Railroad Delivery
  • Fore River Shipyard
  • Fore River Shipyard
  • Foster Grant
  • Foxboro Co.
  • Foxboro Control Manufacturing Co.
  • Foxboro Elementary School
  • Foxboro High School
  • Foxboro Instruments
  • Foxboro Library
  • Foxboro State Hospital
  • Framingham Comm of Mass
  • Framingham High School
  • Frank Flater
  • Frankini Construction
  • Franklin Institute
  • Frauk L Young and Kimball
  • Freeman
  • Freightways Motor Transport
  • Fremont and Suffolk Mills
  • Fresh Pond Pumping Station
  • Friend Brothers Plant
  • G and H Morrill Company
  • G.E. Navy Ordinance Building