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Asbestos in West Virginia

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Exposure to asbestos can lead to serious health problems. People who lived or worked in West Virginia may have come into contact with asbestos at home or on the job. Inhaling or ingesting asbestos fibers can lead to diseases like mesothelioma.

01. West Virginia Asbestos Use

Asbestos Use in West Virginia

People who have lived or worked in West Virginia may have been exposed to asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was used in thousands of products across a variety of industries. Asbestos exposure can lead to diseases, like mesothelioma and lung cancer.

West Virginia Asbestos Statistics

Hundreds of West Virginians have been diagnosed with mesothelioma caused by exposure to asbestos. Exposure may have occurred when people worked with asbestos or asbestos products. It may have also occurred in buildings where asbestos was present.

  • From 1999 to 2019, 639 West Virginia residents were diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma.
  • According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), West Virginia does not have any known natural occurrences of asbestos. However, there are many asbestos deposits in bordering states.

Mesothelioma patients can find treatment across West Virginia. Cities like Huntington and Elkins are home to cancer centers and support services.

People with asbestos-related diseases in West Virginia or surrounding areas may qualify for legal compensation. A West Virginia mesothelioma lawyer can help asbestos exposure victims determine their legal options.

02. Asbestos in Workplaces

Occupational Asbestos Use in West Virginia

People in West Virginia are affected by asbestos-related diseases. Many businesses throughout the state used asbestos in their facilities. These asbestos companies used the mineral in the products they manufactured and equipment they operated, thereby exposing workers from various occupations to the hazardous mineral.

Occupations Exposed to Asbestos in West Virginia

Coal Mining

Coal mining is an important aspect of West Virginia’s economy and employs more than 11,500 workers. In general, miners may come into contact with asbestos in naturally occurring deposits or in their mining equipment. Though the state does not have any recorded asbestos deposits, miners may still face asbestos-contaminated coal.

Mining equipment known to contain asbestos includes welding blankets and transite panels. Consolidation Coal Company in Fairmont and Ben Franklin Coal Company in Moundsville are just a few of the coal mining companies where West Virginia workers were exposed to asbestos.

Power Plants

Fort Martin Power Plant in Morgantown and Albright Power Station are among the hundreds of power plants that used asbestos in their facilities. Power plants were often constructed with asbestos because it could help prevent fires and combustion. Some workers may have even worn fire-resistant clothing that contained asbestos.


Centurial Products and Fourco Glass, both located in Clarksburg, were part of the manufacturing center in the city. Clarksburg became a huge industrial and manufacturing center in the 20th century, especially in the production of glass. Machinery on manufacturing floors often contained asbestos products. In addition, asbestos could be found in construction products used in the buildings.

Oil Refineries

Asbestos was also present in West Virginia oil refineries. The mineral was used to protect the oil plants and their valuable equipment from fire. Unfortunately, this led to oil refinery workers being exposed to hazardous asbestos fibers.

Camp Lejeune Exposure Risks

West Virginia military personnel stationed at Camp Lejeune may have faced asbestos exposure risks at the base. Evidence shows from August 1, 1953, to December 31, 1987, the water at Camp Lejeune was contaminated with chemicals.

Exposure to the water’s chemical contaminants may have later led to health issues, including:

  • Cancer
  • Kidney diseases
  • Neurological disorders
  • Reproductive issues

West Virginia veterans and their loved ones may have been at this base during these years. Recent legislation allows them to seek compensation for contaminated water exposure and resulting health conditions. An attorney experienced with the Camp Lejeune contamination can help veterans and their loved ones seek compensation.

03. Superfund Sites

Asbestos Superfund Sites in West Virginia

West Virginia has had several sites added to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Superfund list over the years. Environmental concerns for two of these sites included asbestos contamination.

Fike Chemical Inc.

The Fike Chemical Inc. Superfund site in Nitro occupies 12 acres. Hazardous waste was improperly disposed of on-site and buried in lagoons. The waste included various metals, asbestos and several other contaminants that polluted the surrounding soil and groundwater. Asbestos was also found in standing structures on the site.

The site was added to the Superfund list in 1988 and cleanup efforts began in 1989. The site continues to be monitored and additional cleanup efforts will continue if necessary.

West Virginia Ordnance

The U.S. Department of Defense operated the 8,000 acre West Virginia Ordnance site in Point Pleasant during World War II to produce TNT. After being decommissioned in 1945, the industrial portion of the land was deeded to the state for wildlife management. Over the years, contamination was noted from its original use in TNT production.

The EPA noted the industrial area, on-site facilities and the wastewater disposal system were all contaminated with TNT, TNT byproducts and asbestos. The site was officially added to the cleanup list in 1983, and extensive cleanup efforts began shortly after.

Asbestos was removed from two on-site powerhouses by 1994. The EPA, along with the Department of Defense and state agencies, created a long-term monitoring plan and will continue to maintain the site.

04. Other Work Sites

Asbestos Exposure at Other West Virginia Jobsites

Asbestos exposure affects residents across West Virginia. Select a town from the list below to see jobsites where asbestos exposure occurred.

, West Virginia Jobsites Where Asbestos Exposure Occurred

  • A & I Company
  • A & I Company
  • A & I Company
  • A.P. Green Industries
  • Ace Industries
  • Acme Fishing Tool Company
  • AEP
  • Aep Cabin Creek Power Station
  • Aep Graham’s Power Station
  • Agsten
  • Albright Power Station
  • Allegheny Energy
  • Allegheny Energy Supply Company
  • Allegheny Power Service Corporation
  • Allegheny Veener Plant
  • Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation
  • Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation
  • Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation
  • Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation
  • Allied Services Incorporated
  • Alpheus Preparation Plant
  • Am. Gas and Electric Company
  • Amer Sheet and Tin Plate Company
  • American Alloys
  • American Car Foundry
  • American Cyanamid
  • American Cyanimide Company
  • American Electric Power
  • American Gas and Electric
  • American Gas and Electric Company
  • American Sheet & Tin Plate Company
  • American Tar Products Company
  • American Tin Plate Company
  • American Viscose Corporation
  • American Viscose Corporation
  • Ames Baldwin Wyoming Company
  • Amherst Industries, Inc.
  • Amstan Corporation
  • Analine Chemical
  • Anchor Hocking Glass
  • Ap Green F B Company of Ohio
  • Ap Green Refractories of Ohio
  • Appalachian Electric Power Company
  • Appalachian Electric Power Company
  • Appalachian Electric Power Company
  • Appalachian Electric Power Company
  • Appalachian Electric Power Company
  • Appalachian Electric Power Company – Kanawha River Plant
  • Appalachian Power and Light. Company
  • Appalachian Power Company
  • Appalachian Power Company
  • Appalachian Power Company
  • Appalachian Power Company
  • Appalachian Power Company
  • Appalachian Power Company Mit
  • Apple Grove Pulp Company
  • Aracoma Hotel Company
  • Aristech
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Cork Company
  • Asbestos Service Company
  • Ashland Oil
  • Ashland Oil & Refinery Company
  • Ashland Oil Inc
  • Atlas Storage Warehouse
  • Avtex Fibers
  • Avtex Fibers Inc
  • B. F. Goodrich
  • Baldwin Supply Company
  • Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
  • Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
  • Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company
  • Banner Fibreboard Company
  • Barium Reduction Corp
  • Barnard & Wetzek Block Company
  • Bayer Corporation
  • Bcng Transmission Corp
  • Beckley Armory
  • Beckley National Bank
  • Beech Bottom Power Company, Inc.
  • Belle Alkali Company
  • Belle Works
  • Belmont Works
  • Ben Franklin Coal Company
  • Benwood Iron Works
  • Blaw Knox Centre Foundry
  • Bloch Brothers Tobacco Company
  • Bluefield Ice & Coal Company
  • Bluefield Water Works
  • Bluestone Tract’N Company
  • Boston & Ohio Railroad
  • Boston & Ohio Railroad
  • Boston and Ohio Railroad
  • Boston and Ohio Railroad Company
  • Brockway Glass Company
  • Brockway Glass Company
  • Buckhannon Light and Water Company
  • Bureau of Mines
  • C & O Railroad
  • C & P Telephone Company
  • C&P Telephone Building
  • Cabin Creek Power Plant
  • Cabot Carbon Black
  • Calco Chemical Company
  • Calco Chemical Div
  • Camc General
  • Camden Inter State Railway Company
  • Capital Cement Company
  • Captina Operating Company
  • Carbide & Carbon Chemical
  • Carbide and Carbon Chemical Corp
  • Carbide and Carbon Chemicals
  • Carbide Developement Center
  • Carbide Maintenance
  • Carborundum Metals Company
  • Carnation Company
  • Celotex Corporation
  • Central Operating Company
  • Central Valley Insulation Company
  • Centurial Products
  • Centurial Products
  • Char and Iron Whitaker Glessner Company
  • Char. Iron Gary Mdowell Company
  • Charleston Area Medical Center
  • Charleston General Hospital
  • Charleston Memorial Hospital
  • Charleston National Plaza
  • Charleston Paper Manufacturing Company
  • Chas. Boldt Glass Company
  • Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company
  • Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company – New Dial Building
  • Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company
  • Chester Rolling Mill Company
  • Chester Works
  • Chlor Allied Division
  • Citizens Building Supply
  • City Water Works
  • Clarksburg Baptist Church
  • Clarksburg Electric Light Company
  • Colonial Glass
  • Columbia Gas Company
  • Columbia Gas Transmission Corp
  • Columbia Southern Chemical
  • Columbia Southern Chemical Company
  • Connors Steel
  • Consolidated Light Heat and Power Company
  • Consolidated Light, Heat and Power Company
  • Consolidation Coal Company
  • Consolidation Coal Company
  • Consolidation Coal Company
  • Consolidation Coal Company – Coal Gasoline Plant
  • Continental Can
  • Continental Can Company
  • Continental Clay Products Company
  • Continental Foundry & Machine Company
  • Coppinger Machinery
  • Corhart Cement Company
  • Corhart Refractories Company
  • Corning Glass Company
  • Corning Glass Works
  • Cresap Powerhouse
  • Csx Railroad
  • Csx Transportation
  • Cultural Center
  • Cytec Industries Incorporated
  • Danco Incorporated
  • Daniel Boone Hotel
  • Diamond Shamrock
  • Dougherty Company, Inc
  • Duekto Comm. Center Fault
  • Dunbar Glass
  • Dunbar Tire and Rubber Company
  • Dupont
  • DuPont Chemical
  • Dupont Washinton Bottom
  • E I Dupont De Nemours Company
  • E. I. Dupont De Nemours & Company
  • E.I. Du Pont De Nemours
  • E.I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company
  • E.I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company
  • E.I.Dupont Denemours
  • East River Electric Company
  • East. Assoc. Goal
  • Eastern Gas & Fuel Association
  • Electro Metallurgical Company
  • Elkem Metals
  • Elkins Hospital
  • Enterprise-Black Diamond Corporation
  • Equitable Gas Company
  • Equitable Resources, Inc.
  • Ergon – West Virginia
  • Evans Supermarket
  • Fairmont Aluminum Plant
  • Fairmont and Clarksburg Traction Company
  • Fairmont General Hospital
  • Farm Bureau Siding
  • Federal Building
  • Federal Coal and Coke Company
  • Fesemier Packing Company
  • Fike Chemical
  • First National Bank
  • FMC Corporation
  • FMC Corporation
  • FMC Corporation
  • FMC Corporation
  • Follansbee Brothers Company
  • Food Machinery & Chemicl Corporation
  • Foote Mineral
  • Ford Motor Company
  • Ford Motor Company
  • Fort Martin Power Plant
  • Fort Martin Power Station
  • Fostoria Glass Company
  • Fourco Glass
  • Furnace Engineering Corp
  • Gallipolis State Hospital
  • Garvin’s Jersey Farms, Inc.
  • General Chemical Div Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation
  • George Sherrard Paper Manufacturing Company
  • Girdler Corp
  • Glasgow Powerhouse
  • Goff Office Building
  • Goodrich Gulf Chemical Company Institute
  • Goodrich Gulf Chemicals Inc
  • Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
  • Great Lakes Chemical Corporation
  • H.J. Thomas Memorial Hospital
  • Harvey Industries
  • Hastings Company
  • Hayden Chemical Company
  • Hazel Atlas Glass
  • Herbert J. Thomas Memorial Hospital
  • Heyden Matheson
  • Hinton Sanitary Board
  • Hinton Water Light and Supply Company
  • Hope Natural Gas Company
  • Hope Natural Gas Company
  • Hornor Brothers Engineers
  • Houdaille Hershey Corp
  • Hudson Paper Company
  • Huntington Auto Supply Machine Shop
  • Huntington Pipe Incorporated
  • Huntington State Hospital
  • Huntington Water Company
  • Inco Alloys International
  • Institute West Virginia Plant
  • International Nickel Company
  • International Nickel Company
  • International Paper and Power Company
  • Interwoven Mills Inc
  • J. F. Pritchard & Company
  • J.L. Stifel and Sons Inc.
  • J.M. Mccoach and Company
  • Jefferey De Whitt Escalator Plant
  • Jeffery Dewitt Insulator Company
  • John Amos Power House
  • John Amos Powerhouse
  • Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation
  • Kammer Plant
  • Kammer Plant
  • Kammer Powerhouse
  • Kanawa Water and Light Company
  • Kanawha River Plant
  • Kanawha Traction and Electric Company
  • Keene Corp
  • Keene Corporation
  • Kentucky and W Va Power Company
  • Kentucky Power Louisa
  • Kentucky Utilities Company
  • Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corp
  • Kippers Products Company
  • Koppers Company, Inc.
  • Koppers Company, Inc.
  • Koppers Company, Inc.
  • Koppers Company, Inc.
  • L Air Liquide
  • La Belle Iron Works
  • La Belle Iron Works
  • Laughlin Nail Company
  • Libbey-Owens Ford Glass Company
  • Libbey-Owens Ford Glass Company
  • Libby Owens Ford
  • Linde Air Products Company
  • Linde Air Products Company
  • Locke Manufacturing Company
  • Logan Board of Education
  • Logan County Animal Shelter
  • Logan County Courthouse
  • Logan County Light and Power Company
  • Logan Planning Mill
  • Louis Glass Company
  • Magnolia High School
  • Mansanto Chemical Company
  • Marietta Manufacturing Company
  • Martin Marietta Cement Company
  • Martin Steel
  • Martinsburg Gas Company
  • Mathieson Chemical Corporation
  • Mccorkle Machine
  • Medical Center
  • Mississippi Glass Company
  • Mitchell Generating Station/ Ohio Power
  • Mitchell Generating Station/ Ohio Power
  • Mitchell Powerhouse
  • Mobay Chemical
  • Mobay Chemical Company
  • Monogahela Power Company
  • Monongah Glass Company
  • Monongahela Power and Railway Company
  • Monongahela Power Company
  • Monongahela Power Company
  • Monongahela Power Company
  • Monongahela Power Company
  • Monongahela Power Company
  • Monongahela Valley Traction Company
  • Monongahela West Penn Public Service Company
  • Monongalia County City Garage
  • Monsanto
  • Monsanto Chemical Company
  • Monsanto Chemical Company
  • Monsanto Chemical Company
  • Monsanto Plant
  • Moore’s Business Forms
  • Moray Chemical Corporation
  • Morehead State College
  • Morgantown Electric and Tract. Company
  • Morgantown Energy Association
  • Moundsville Power Plant
  • Mount Storm Power Company
  • Mount Storm Station
  • Mountaineer Coal Company
  • Mountaineer Power Plant
  • Mt. Storm Powerhouse
  • National Analine
  • National Bottle
  • National Carbon Company
  • National Steel
  • National Tube Company Riverside Department
  • Natrium Plant
  • Naval Ordnance Plant
  • New England Engineering Company
  • New Sewage Disposal Plant
  • NL Industries, Inc.
  • Norfolk and Western Railway Company
  • Novamount
  • Office of The County Administrator
  • Ohio Brass Company
  • Ohio Power Company
  • Ohio Power Company
  • Ohio Power Company
  • Ohio Power Company
  • Ohio Power Company
  • Ohio Power Company
  • Ohio Power Company
  • Ohio Power Company Appalachian Power
  • Ohio Transmission & Pump
  • Ohio Valley Electric Railway Company
  • Ohio Valley Insulating Company Inc
  • Ohio Valley Insulating Company, Inc.
  • Olga Coal Company
  • Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation
  • Ordnance Works Disposal Areas
  • Owens Bottle Company
  • Owens Bottle Company
  • Owens Brockway
  • Owens Corning Fiberglas Corporation
  • Owens Corning Fiberglas Corporation
  • Owens Corning Fiberglass
  • Owens-Illinois Glass
  • Owens-Illinois Glass Company
  • Owens-Illinois Glass Company
  • Owens-Illinois Glass Company
  • Owens-Illinois, Inc.
  • P.P. Gary Station
  • Pace Work Shop
  • Panasote Plant
  • Pantasote Company
  • Parkersburg Gas Electric Light and St. Railway
  • Parkersburg High School
  • Parkersburg Iron and Steel Company
  • Parkersburg Water Works
  • Parkside
  • Paul O. Reymann Company
  • Pence Hall Fairmont State College
  • Philip Sporn Generating Station
  • Phillip Sporn Plant
  • Phillip Sporn Power Plant
  • Phillips Sheet and Tin Plate Company
  • Phillips Sheet and Tin Plate Company
  • Pierce Electric
  • Pinecrest Hospital
  • Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company
  • Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company
  • Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company Chemical Div
  • Plant C
  • Pleasants Powerhouse
  • Pmc Corp
  • Pocahontas Tanning Company
  • Point Pleasant Armory
  • Point Pleasant Plant
  • Port Amherst
  • Port Amherst
  • Post Office & Federal Office Building
  • Potomac Edison
  • Powder Plant
  • Power Plant
  • Pure Oil Company
  • Quaker State Corporation
  • Quaker State Corporation
  • Quaker State Oil Refining Company
  • Radium Reduction Company
  • Raleigh Junk Company
  • Ravenswood Aluminum
  • Reserve Gas Company
  • Reymann Brewg Company
  • Riverside Iron Works
  • Rivesville Generating Station/ Monongahela Power
  • Rivesville Power Plant
  • Roberts Chemical, Inc.
  • Rollin Chemical Company Inc.
  • Saint-Gobain Advanced Ceramics Corporation
  • Salt Mine
  • Sanitary Board
  • Semet Solvay Company
  • Semet-Solvay Company
  • Seneca Coal Corporation
  • Sharon Steel
  • Sharples Solvents Corporation
  • Shell Chemical Company
  • Shell Oil Company
  • Sistersville Tank Works, Inc.
  • Solvay Chemical Company
  • Solvay Process Div
  • Solvay Process Div Allied Chemical and Dye Corp
  • Southeastern Construction Company
  • Southern Dyestuffs Company
  • St. Joseph Lead Works
  • Standard Lime & Cement Company
  • Standard Ultramarine Company
  • Steel of West Virginia
  • Sterling Faucet
  • Sterling Tubular Prod. Company
  • Steubenville and Wheeling Traction Company
  • Steubenville Plant
  • Stone & Webster Engineering Corp
  • Strip Steel Department
  • Stuart-Mcmunn Company
  • Sun Lumber Company
  • T & L Supply, Inc.
  • Tall Oil Plant
  • Taylor Smith & Taylor
  • Tech Research Ctr Olefins Lab
  • Thomas Memorial Hospital
  • True Temper Corporation
  • Tyler Lube Company
  • U S Steel Corp
  • U. S. Bureau of Mines
  • U. S. Department of Interior
  • Ucc
  • Union Boiler
  • Union Boiler Repair Fabrication & Erection Company, Inc
  • Union Carbide
  • Union Carbide
  • Union Carbide & Carbon Chemical Corporation
  • Union Carbide & Carbon Chemical Corporation
  • Union Carbide & Chemicals
  • Union Carbide & Chemicals
  • Union Carbide Chemical Company
  • Union Carbide Chemical Company
  • Union Carbide Chemical Corporation
  • Union Carbide Corp
  • Union Carbide Institute
  • Union Carbide Plastics
  • Union Carbide Tech. Center Chemical Plant
  • Union Protestant Hospital
  • Union Utilities Company
  • United Engineering & Foundry Company
  • United Mine Workers Hospital
  • United States Coal and Coke Company
  • United States Naval Ordnance Plant
  • United States Steel Mining Company
  • United States War Department
  • United Zinc Smelting Corporation
  • Universal Glass
  • University of West Virginia
  • V. A. Hospital
  • Valley Camp Coal Company
  • Valley Camp Coal Company
  • Veterans Administation
  • Veterans Affairs Medical Center
  • Viking Glass Company
  • Viking Glass Company
  • Virginia Electric & Power Company
  • Virginia Electric & Power Company
  • Virginia Power & Light
  • Viscoe
  • Volkswagen Plant
  • W Va Hospital For Insane
  • Washington Works
  • Washington Works
  • Waste Water Treatment Plant
  • Waterworks
  • Weir Cove Moving & Storage Company
  • Weirton General Hospital
  • Weirton National Steel
  • Weirton Steel Company
  • Welch, Mcdowell Company
  • West Elementary School
  • West Penn Power Company
  • West Penn Power Company
  • West Siding
  • West Va. Traction and Electric Company
  • West Vaco Chlorine Alkali Divison
  • West Virginia Glass
  • West Virginia Hospital For The Insane
  • West Virginia Hydro Electric Company
  • West Virginia Paper Company Chemical Corporation
  • West Virginia Paper Company Chlorine Products
  • West Virginia Plate Glass Company
  • West Virginia Power Company
  • West Virginia Statehouse
  • West Virginia University
  • West Virginia University Medical Center
  • West Virginia Water and Electric Company
  • West Virginia Water Works
  • Western Electric Company
  • Western Electric Company, Inc.
  • Westinghouse Electric
  • Weston State Hospital
  • Westvaco & Food Machinery Corporation
  • Westvaco Chemical Div.
  • Westvaco Chlor Alkalai
  • Westvaco Chlorine Prod Corp
  • Wesvaco Chlorine Products Corporation
  • Wetzel Tyler Street Railway Company
  • Wheeling and Elm Grove Railroad Company
  • Wheeling Coke Ovens
  • Wheeling College
  • Wheeling Corrugating Company
  • Wheeling Electrical Company
  • Wheeling Jesuit University, Inc.
  • Wheeling Pittsburg Steel
  • Wheeling Pittsburg Steel
  • Wheeling Pittsburgh Steel
  • Wheeling Pittsburgh Steel
  • Wheeling Pittsburgh Steel
  • Wheeling Railway Company
  • Wheeling Steel and Iron Company
  • Wheeling Steel Corporation
  • Wheeling Steel Corporation
  • Wheeling Steel Works
  • Wheeling Traction. Company
  • Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corporation
  • Whitaker Glessner Company
  • Whitaker Iron Company
  • Willow Island Powerhouse
  • Wilson and Company
  • Wv Malleable Iron
  • Wv Water Company

Asbestos exposure at any of these sites could put a worker at risk for developing mesothelioma cancer. Individuals who believe they were exposed to asbestos in West Virginia should disclose this information to their doctors. Regular screening may help diagnose asbestos diseases in their early stages.

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