Doctors Affiliated with this Treatment Facility
01. History
History of the University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center
The University of Hawaiʻi established its cancer center in 1981 on the island of Oahu in Hawaii’s capital city, Honolulu. It received its National Cancer Institute designation in 1996. This designation recognizes the center as one of the best cancer research institutions in the world and requires it to meet stringent requirements and undergo constant evaluation.
The University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center focuses strongly on cancer research in an effort to find better treatment techniques and diagnostic tools. As of 2018, this cancer is one of a mere 70 research institutes to receive designation from the National Cancer Institute. Researchers at the University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center work in three interdisciplinary programs: epidemiology (a science that deals with the distribution and control of diseases), cancer biology and cancer prevention and control. Within those programs, they conduct cutting-edge research in areas like epidemiology, molecular carcinogenesis, cancer treatment and prevention methodology. An important aspect of the cancer center’s work is outreach to Hawaii’s multiethnic community, including education, particularly about prevention, and support programs for cancer survivors.
02. Mesothelioma Care
Mesothelioma Care at the University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center
The University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center is a global leader in mesothelioma research. Under the leadership of center director Michele Carbone, a pathologist who specializes in mesothelioma, researchers at the center have made important discoveries about the disease. They have identified the gene that causes mesothelioma, BAP1, and a protein that is critical in the development of the disease, which has led to many studies internationally to better understand the connection.
The University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center continues its research through clinical trials. Clinical trials allow eligible mesothelioma patients to try emerging treatments that have not yet become available to everyone. The cancer center acknowledges that cancers like malignant mesothelioma can be very aggressive. Standard mesothelioma treatment options may not be the best option for all patients.
03. Specializations
University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center Specializations
- Cancer research
- Clinical trials
04. Accreditations
University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center Accreditations
- National Cancer Institute Designated Cancer Center
- National Cancer Institute Community Oncology Research Program designation