Massachusetts Institute of Technology
500 Main Street
Building 76
Cambridge, MA 02139
01. History
History of Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research
The David H. Koch Integrative Center for Cancer Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), formerly the MIT Center for Cancer Research (CCR), was founded in 1974 and is a National Cancer Institute-designated Cancer Center. It employs about two dozen biologists and engineers, a staff that is supported by numerous post-doctoral fellows and associates and other personnel at MIT.
A leader in the field of cancer research, Koch/CCR has had a hand in many notable cancer discoveries including the sequencing of the human genome and the isolation of the first human cancer genes. The former and current faculty at Koch includes five individuals who have earned the Nobel Prize in their field and a host of other professionals who have received numerous national and international prizes in the science field.
The more than 1,000 researchers at the Koch Integrative Center for Cancer Research are broken up into five areas of research. They believe advancements in these areas will drive the most impact, and benefit, for patients. The areas include nanotechnology-based cancer therapies, cancer detection and monitoring, molecular and cellular basis of metastasis, personalized medicine and using the immune system to fight cancer.
The research center itself does not see patients nor is it affiliated with any hospitals or cancer centers. However, the researchers here do collaborate with clinicians at other institutions. Also, are not conducted at this facility. Rather, the investigators at Koch/CCR focus solely on the study on various kinds of cancer, like mesothelioma, striving to better understand its causes, how it progresses and how it can best be treated. Any interaction with patient cases is done on an anonymous basis. However, because the research here focuses on the “basics”, such as why normal cells are converted into cancer cells, the discoveries made at Koch can benefit patients with all types of cancer.
02. Specializations
Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research Specializations
- Cancer research
- Cancer detection
- Nanotechnology-based cancer therapy
- Personalized medicine research
03. Accreditations
Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research Accreditations
- National Cancer Institute-designated Cancer Center