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01. Doctor Overview

Doctor Overview

Since entering the medical profession in the 1980s, Dr. Cullen’s research has focused on social and environmental factors that affect health, as well as on-the-job causes of chronic disease and disability. One significant occupational health risk is asbestos exposure – a job hazard that has caused many thousands of workers, from construction workers to shipbuilders to plumbers, to be diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma.

In addition to asbestos, Dr. Cullen has studied the biological effects of lead, beryllium and solvents, and has led a large project investigating possible occupational causes of asthma.

Before arriving at Stanford in May 2009, Dr. Cullen worked at Yale University, where he was most recently a professor of medicine and public health. From 1980 to 2009 he served as director of the Yale Occupational and Environmental Medicine Program, a program that seeks to prevent occupational and environmental illness and injury through education, research and consultation with businesses.

02. Fast Facts

Doctor Fast Facts

Main Specialty: Occupational Medicine, Internal Medicine

Other Interests & Specialties: Internal medicine, social and environmental determinants of health, the role of workplace physical environment and work organization as causes of chronic disease and disability.

Certifications, Awards & Accolades: American Board of Internal Medicine Certification, American Board of Preventive Medicine Certification in Occupational Medicine, Faculty Scholar in General Internal Medicine Award from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Fifth Place Winner of the Westinghouse National Science Talent Search, member of the Connecticut Academy of Science & Engineering, National Academy Of Medicine and IOM, member of the MacArthur Network on Socioeconomic Status and Health

Education & Experience:

  • Residency in Internal Medicine at Yale-New Haven Hospital
  • Internship at Yale-New Haven Hospital
  • Medical Degree from Yale University School of Medicine
03. Publications
