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Mesothelioma in Jackson, Mississippi

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Jennifer Lucarelli Lawyer and Legal Advisor

Jackson, Mississippi, workers and their families may have been exposed to asbestos. The mineral was commonly used in the construction, renovation and repair of hospitals, schools and other buildings throughout Jackson. Local treatment and legal resources can be found below.

01. Mesothelioma Treatment in Jackson

Jackson, Mississippi Mesothelioma Treatment

Jackson mesothelioma patients have access to high-quality treatment options for mesothelioma. With several mesothelioma cancer centers and doctors in the area, patients can find a medical team that aligns with their needs. Patients can access personalized care from doctors at facilities in Jackson and nearby cities. These centers may also be able to help patients access clinical trials.

Cancer Centers for Mesothelioma Serving Jackson, Mississippi

Mesothelioma patients in Jackson can entrust their care to experienced doctors at mesothelioma cancer centers in Mississippi, such as the University of Mississippi Medical Center Cancer Institute.

Specialists at the University of Mississippi Medical Center Cancer Institute offer personalized care plans for mesothelioma treatment. Doctors at the center specialize in various mesothelioma treatments, including chemotherapy and surgery.

Those willing to travel to New Orleans, Louisiana, can consult with mesothelioma doctors at the Gayle and Tom Benson Cancer Center at Ochsner Medical Center. This cancer center treats patients with radiation therapy, robotic surgery and targeted chemotherapy.

The University of Mississippi Medical Center Cancer Institute

The University of Mississippi Medical Center Cancer Institute

Jackson, MS 39213

The Gayle and Tom Benson Cancer Center

The Gayle and Tom Benson Cancer Center

New Orleans, LA 70121

02. Mesothelioma Doctors in Jackson

Jackson, Mississippi Mesothelioma Doctors

Individuals with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease in Jackson may contact a specialist with experience treating the disease. Mesothelioma doctors in Jackson can develop personalized treatment plans for patients.

Working with mesothelioma specialists ensures patients have access to top-of-the-line treatment methods. Top doctors are often affiliated with medical centers and research institutes that can offer support for patients and their family members.

Photo of George E. Abraham III, M.D.

George E. Abraham III, M.D.

Jackson, MS

Photo of Pierre E. De Delva, M.D.

Pierre E. De Delva, M.D.

Thoracic Surgeon
Jackson, MS

Photo of Brian L. Pettiford, M.D.

Brian L. Pettiford, M.D.

Thoracic Surgeon
Jefferson, LA

03. Mesothelioma Lawsuits in Jackson

Jackson, Mississippi Mesothelioma Lawsuits

Mesothelioma lawsuits may provide options for financial compensation for victims of asbestos exposure in Jackson. Main types of asbestos lawsuits include:

  • Personal injury lawsuits: Filed by mesothelioma patients after diagnosis
  • Wrongful death lawsuits: Filed by family members after the death of a mesothelioma patient

Hiring an experienced mesothelioma lawyer is the best way to obtain compensation from negligent companies responsible for asbestos exposure.

Finding a Lawyer or Law Firm in Jackson, Mississippi

After a confirmed mesothelioma diagnosis, it is important for Jackson patients to find experienced asbestos lawyers. A dedicated mesothelioma attorney can file a trust fund claim or lawsuit against negligent asbestos companies on the patient’s behalf. Asbestos laws may vary from state to state, but an attorney can explain how they impact the victim’s specific case. It is beneficial to seek help from a law firm that is familiar with Mississippi asbestos litigation.

Experienced mesothelioma law firms with a proven track record have extensive knowledge of how to build the most effective cases. They can file the case within the appropriate legal deadline to help secure maximum compensation.

The mesothelioma law firm of Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney & Meisenkothen has recovered over 5 billion in settlements on behalf of their clients.

Over 16 years of experience serving asbestos injury victims. The Gori Law Firm is recognized by Super Lawyers®, National Trial Lawyers and the American Society of Legal Advocates (ASLA).

Experienced mesothelioma and asbestos lawyers serving victims nationwide. Recognized by Best Lawyers®, Super Lawyers® and U.S. News & World Report.

Deadlines for Filing Mesothelioma Lawsuits in Jackson, Mississippi

Lawsuits filed in Jackson must follow Mississippi laws, including statutes of limitations. A statute of limitations sets the time frame in which a lawsuit must be filed.

Statutes of Limitations for Jackson

Personal Injury

Claims must be filed within 3 years after an asbestos-related diagnosis.

Wrongful Death

Claims must be filed within 3 years after an asbestos-related death.

Law firms familiar with local area laws can help asbestos victims understand all of the factors that must be considered when filing a case such as the statute of limitations. For example, law firms familiar with asbestos use in Jackson may have information about known sites of asbestos exposure in Mississippi. These lawyers can help find the best filing option for a case. Examples of clients served in Jackson include:

Client Profile

Age: 58

Occupation: Office worker

Jobsite Worked at: Younkers, Inc. (1981 – 1986)

Settlement: ~$1,310,634

Client Profile

Age: 48

Occupations: Laborer, Office worker

Jobsite Worked at: Mississippi Action for Progress, Inc. (1984 – 1985)

Settlement: ~$736,513

04. Asbestos Use in Jackson

Asbestos Use in Jackson, Mississippi

Asbestos was a common building material for many decades. It can be found in buildings and homes throughout the city of Jackson and nearby towns. Asbestos is durable, heat- and chemical-resistant and inexpensive. These qualities made it popular for use in a variety of industrial and commercial applications. It was used in construction products like pipes, drywall, insulation and other building materials.

Because of this frequent use, workers and residents of Jackson may be at risk of asbestos exposure and related illnesses like mesothelioma.

Old Brookhaven Hospital Renovated Near Jackson, Mississippi

In 2017, a local church bought an old hospital in Brookhaven, Mississippi, for renovation. Built in 1922, the building had fallen into disrepair after the hospital moved to a larger facility. Various parts of the church’s flooring, ceiling and walls contained asbestos. The church plans to have a local asbestos abatement company help with renovations.

There are many other buildings in Jackson and the surrounding area that contain asbestos materials. If you or a loved one were exposed to asbestos and diagnosed with mesothelioma, financial compensation for medical treatment expenses, lost wages, travel and more may be available.

Jackson, Mississippi Jobsites Where Asbestos Exposure Occurred

  • Aberdeen High School
  • Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation (ACandS, Inc.)
  • Armstrong Cork and Tile Company
  • Armstrong Cork Company
  • Armstrong World Industries, Inc.
  • Baptist Hospital
  • Blackburn Junior High School
  • Brinkley Junior High School
  • Buckeye Cellulose
  • Buckeye Cotton Oil Company
  • Callaway High School
  • Carroll Gartin Justice Building
  • Century Manufacturing Co.
  • Chambers Insulation Co.
  • City Park Auditorium
  • Engelhard Corporation
  • Enochs Lumber and Manufacturing Company
  • Entergy “Rex Brown” Power Plant
  • Entergy “Rex Brown” Steam Plant
  • Entergy Mississippi, Inc.
  • Ergon Refining, Inc.
  • Filtrol Corporation
  • Glass Containers Corporation
  • Green Elementary School
  • Harper Supply Company
  • Heat & Frost Insulators Union – Local 114
  • Hinds County Hospital
  • Hinds Memorial Hospital
  • Homer C. Porter & Sons, Inc.
  • Hood Furniture, Inc.
  • Hood Industrial Park, Inc.
  • International Paper Company
  • Jackson State University Alexander Hall
  • Jackson State University Dixon Hall
  • Jackson Steam Laundry
  • Jackson Water Company
  • Jitney Jungle, Inc.
  • Kasten Masonry Sales Inc.
  • Knox Glass Bottle Company
  • La-Mo Refractory Supply Company
  • McWillis Elementary School
  • Mid-South Insulation Company
  • Mississippi Coliseum
  • Mississippi Power & Light Company
  • Mississippi Products and Supply Company
  • Mississippi State Highway Department, Lab Building Annex
  • North Brothers, Inc.
  • North Mill Street Team Track
  • Shell Oil Company
  • South End Ricks Spur
  • Straits Furniture Company, LLC
  • Tri-State Brick & Tile Company, Inc.
  • U.S. Veterans Administration Hospital
  • Union County Hospital
  • University Medical School and Teaching Hospital

Find Mesothelioma Doctors, Lawyers and Asbestos Exposure Sites Near You

Find Mesothelioma Doctors, Lawyers and Asbestos Exposure Sites Near You