A new bankruptcy trust started accepting claims this July (2016). Its name is the Bondex Trust. Bondex made a number of asbestos-containing products for home renovation and repair, including joint compound and joint cement.
What distinguishes Bondex joint compound and joint cement from other companies’ products is that the Bondex products were made expressly for the “do-it-yourself” home market. The sanding of joint cement and joint compound on wall board to create a smooth surface creates very dusty conditions, leading to exposures to asbestos and potentially to mesothelioma.
In addition to joint compound and joint cement, Bondex made asbestos-containing products such as texture paint, water putty, wood putty, Handy Patch, topping cement, block filler and primer, roof coating, and roof cement.
The products were sold under a variety of names, including Bondex, Reardon, Trax, Dramex, Wards (through Montgomery Ward), and Penncraft (through J.C. Penney).
If you or a loved one used one of these products and has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, we can help you file a claim with this trust. Please let us know.
A special thanks to my colleague Ethan Early for his insight and contributions to this blog post.