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Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma in Wyoming

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If you have worked and lived in Wyoming for a significant amount of time, there is a chance that you were exposed to asbestos at home or in the workplace. Prolonged exposure to asbestos can lead to serious health problems including pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma and asbestos-related lung cancer. As a service to people who live in Wyoming, we have compiled the following information about asbestos and mesothelioma in Wyoming.

01. Statistics

Wyoming Mesothelioma and Asbestos Statistics

  • From 1999-2015, 109 Wyoming residents died from mesothelioma
  • Wyoming has a mesothelioma mortality rate of about 12 people per million each year, which is higher than the national average (Source: CDC)
  • Wyoming has 12 known asbestos occurrences, including one site at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains (Source: USGS)
  • Natrona and Laramie counties have experienced significantly more asbestos-related deaths than elsewhere in the state (Source: CDC)
02. Asbestos in Workplaces

Asbestos Use Across Wyoming Industries

Wyoming’s economy largely relies on oil, an industry known to be especially dangerous with its asbestos use. Other industries within the state have also put workers at risk of exposure.

Oil Refineries:

Wyoming is home to an abundance of petroleum, making the state a hotspot for refineries. Refineries can be found all over the state, including in Cheyenne where Frontier Refining Company and Husky Oil Company are located. The oil industry used massive amounts of asbestos in constructing their facilities and in their machinery, to protect the equipment and workers from the possible fires. Its heavy use means thousands of oil refinery workers are at risk for developing mesothelioma later in life.

Power Companies:

For many power plants, asbestos was commonly used for boilers and insulation to protect equipment and facilities from potential fires. Asbestos insulation was also common in these plants to protect against the heat and electricity created from power generation. Hot Springs Light and Power Company in Thermopolis, Black Hills Power and Light Company in Wyodak, and Pacific Power Company in Green River are among the power plants known to have caused asbestos exposure.

Chemical Plants:

Allied Chemical Plant and Stauffer Chemical Plant, among several others in the state, have been documented as asbestos exposure sites. Both chemical plants focused on the production of soda ash, which is critical for many other industries including inexpensive glass production. Since Wyoming has many trona deposits, which is an ore used to make soda ash, along the Green Basin shoreline, many chemical plants popped up in the state to take advantage of the natural resource. Because asbestos could not only resist high heat but also most chemical reactions, it became a standard material in many of these chemical plants.


The University of Wyoming received a violation from the Department of Environmental Quality in 2009 after failing to properly conduct inspections for asbestos. As a result, buildings on campus were bought by a Laramie resident and removed for a construction project which resulted in asbestos contamination. After removal, the site wasn’t cleaned up properly and an inspection a few months later showed some asbestos remained. The school took action to clean the site soon after the asbestos was discovered.

03. Other Work Sites

Asbestos Exposure at Smaller Wyoming Sites

Beyond the major cities and towns in Wyoming, asbestos exposure has also occurred at a number of other job sites. Select a town to see the list of its work sites where asbestos exposure occurred. Asbestos exposure at any one of the sites revealed could put a worker at risk to develop pleural mesothelioma.

, Wyoming Jobsites Where Asbestos Exposure Occurred

  • Acme Plant
  • Allied Chemical Plant Wyoming
  • Allied Chemical Station
  • Alumina Plant
  • Amoco Oil Company
  • Amoco Production Company
  • Basin Electric Power Coop
  • Becker Brewing & Malting Company
  • Black Hills Generation
  • Black Hills Power and Light Company
  • Black Hills Power and Light Company
  • Black Hills Power Inc
  • Boise Cascade Kraft Corporation
  • Bridger Power Plant
  • Buffalo Northwest Electric Company
  • Cabot Carbon Company
  • California Pipeline Company
  • Cambria Fuel Company
  • Casper Supply Company
  • Central Coal and Coke Company
  • Chevron, United States of America, Inc.
  • Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company
  • Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
  • Colo Fuel and Iron Company
  • Colo Tires and Iron Company
  • Colorado Oil & Gas
  • Construction Specialties Company
  • Consumer Oil & Refining Company
  • Continental Oil Company
  • Continental Oil Company
  • Continental Oil Company
  • Dave Johnson Power Plant
  • Dave Johnston Power Plant
  • DePaul Hospital
  • Diamond Coal and Coke Company
  • Diamond Coal and Coke Company
  • El Paso Natural Gas Company
  • Empire State Oil Company
  • Exxon
  • F.E. Warren Afb
  • Fargo Oil Company
  • Flight Deck & Maint Building
  • FMC Corporation
  • FMC Corporation
  • Food Machinery and Chemical Corp
  • Food Machinery and Chemical Corporation
  • Food Machinery and Chemical Corporation
  • For Food Machinery Corp
  • Ford Machinery and Chemical Company
  • Forest Products Treating Company
  • Frontier
  • Frontier Refining Company
  • Frontier Supply Company
  • Gebo Coal Company
  • Gebo Coal Company
  • Glen Rock Powerhouse
  • Great Western Sugar Company
  • Great Western Sugar Company
  • Hollly Sugar Corp
  • Holly Sugar Corp
  • Holly Sugar Corporation
  • Homestead Mining Company
  • Hot Springs Light and Power Company
  • Husky Oil Company
  • Husky Oil Company
  • Husky Refining Company
  • Inorganic Chemicals Div
  • Intermoutain Chemical
  • Investors Oil Company
  • J. W. Denio Milling Company
  • Jefferson Lake Sulphur Company
  • Jim Bridger Power Plant
  • Kaiser Engineers, Inc.
  • Kemmerer Coal Company
  • Lander Electric Light and Power Company
  • Laramie River Power Plant
  • Lion Coal Company
  • Little America Refining
  • Memorial Hospital
  • Midwest Refining Company
  • Midwest Refining Company
  • Midwest Refining Company
  • Midwest Refining Company
  • Midwest Refining Company
  • Midwest Refining Company
  • Mobil Oil Company
  • Monolith Portland Midwest Company
  • Montana Dakota Utilities Company
  • Montana-Dakota Utilities Company
  • Mountain State Insul
  • Mountain States Power Company
  • Municipal Airport
  • Mutual Oil Company
  • Natrona County Electric Company
  • Naughton Station
  • Northern Colo Light and Power Company
  • Northern Utilites Company
  • Owl Creek Coal Company
  • Pacific Power & Light
  • Pacific Power & Light Company
  • Pacific Power & Light Company
  • Pacific Power & Light Company
  • Pacific Power and Light Company
  • Pacific Power and Light Company
  • Pacific Power Company
  • Pacificorp
  • Pacificorp
  • Pacificorp
  • Pan American Petroleum Corporation
  • Penn Wyoming Copper Company
  • Perkins Power Company
  • Perkins Power Company
  • Petrontomics Company
  • Plant Unit Number 2
  • Plateau Supply Company
  • Power Service Corporation
  • Powerhouse
  • Producers and Refiners Corp
  • Producers and Refiners Corp
  • Provident Savings & Loan
  • Pure Oil Company
  • Rocky Mountain Carpot
  • S & H Construction Company
  • Sacony Mobil Oil Company
  • Salt Creek Central Power Station
  • San Francisco Chemical Company
  • Sheet Metal Products Company
  • Sheridan County Electric Company
  • Sheridan Sugar Company
  • Shipping Station
  • Sinclair Oil
  • Sinclair Oil Company
  • Sinclair Refining Company
  • Sinclair Refining Company
  • Socony-Vacuum Oil Company
  • Soda Ash Plant
  • Standard Oil Company
  • Standard Oil Company of Indiana
  • Standard Oil Refinery
  • Standard Oil Refinery – Casper
  • Stanolind Pipe Line Company
  • Stanolind Pipe Line Company
  • Stanolind Pipe Line Company
  • State Board of Charities and Reformatories
  • Stauffer Chemical Company
  • Stauffer Chemical Company
  • Stauffer Chemical Plant Wyoming
  • Steam Power Plant
  • T.W. Boyer
  • Teapot Coal Company
  • Tenneco Oil Company
  • Texaco Oil Refinery
  • Texaco Oil Refinery Wyoming
  • Texaco Refinery
  • Texas Company
  • Texas Company
  • Texas Gulf Sulphur Company
  • Union Pacific Coal Company
  • Union Pacific Coal Company
  • Union Pacific Coal Company
  • Union Pacific Coal Company
  • Union Pacific Coal Company
  • Union Pacific Coal Company
  • Union Pacific Plant
  • Union Pacific Railroad Company
  • Union Pacific Railroad Company
  • Union Pacific Railroad Company
  • Union Pacific Railroad Company
  • Union Pacific Railroad Company
  • Union Pacific System
  • Union Tank Car Company
  • United States Bureau of Mines
  • University of Wyoming
  • Utah Oil Refining Company
  • Utah Oil Refining Company
  • Utah Oil Refining Company
  • Utah Power & Light Company
  • Utah Power and Light
  • Utah Power and Light Company
  • West Vaco Chemical Division
  • West Virginia Power Company
  • White Eagle Oil Corporation
  • Winklemen Dome Field
  • Winston Brothers Company
  • Wyco Chemical Company
  • Wycon Chemical Plant
  • Wyodak Coal and Manufacturing Company
  • Wyodak Coal and Manufacturing Company
  • Wyodak Plant, Black Hills Pwr & Light Company
  • Wyoming Coal and Iron Company
  • Wyoming Refining
  • Wyoming State Hospital
  • Wyoming State Hospital
  • Wyoming Sugar Company

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Sources [+]
  • 1

    Cabrera-Santiago, Manuel et al. “Prevalence of Asbestos-Related Disease Among Electrical Power Generation Workers in Puerto Rico.” Presentation at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, 2007.

  • 2

    Geological Research, Analyses and Services Programs. “Naturally Occurring Asbestos Locations in the Contiguous U.S. and Alaska.” Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 25 May 2007. (accessed 23 August 2010).

  • 3

    Sorahan, Tom. “Mortality of UK Oil Refinery and Petroleum Distribution Workers, 1951-2003.” Occupational Medicine 57, no. 3 (2007): 177-85.